Cheese - Blue Cheese Dwc ak47 & D'Og in Soil 2/11

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I thought id add some lights off pics as you cant see how frosty they are with the lights on. I've added a few more products to the feed ,nothing new im just trying to get rid of some of my old foods,I used to have a 15 nute line up!! today i added:
Vitalink bloom / Growth- c
Vitalink buddy / Bloom - c
Ata Xl / Flavor - c
B,cuzz hydro booster / B'cuzz soil booster
Overdive / Overdrive
carboload / Molasses & Guano
Ripen / Ata xl
Thats the last of the carboload wont be getting getting anymore, i didnt add any ripen any to the soil plants. I mixed the strength to 1.8 in my 110ltr tank and topped up most of the bubblers.I havent changed the res's more than once this around,except the rot plants , as the set ups not as simple as before. Cant say its been a smooth run but its alive and ticking still.. This is there last week of heavy feeding ..Wk 8's going to be water and light molasses till chop on the 9th .

First pics all 90ltr bubbs up close


Second set:
Ak-47/ B-cheese / Dog / and burnt Cheese..


Well-Known Member
Quality mate, absolute quality. The pics of the AK/ bcheese and dog makes the buds look a tad purple, is that just my eyes or have they actually got a tinge of purp?

Nevermind the cheese leaves, the buds look to be growing without any temperament. Sterlin job!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
delete some of ya inbox dgd please m8.
Done it mate..
Quality mate, absolute quality. The pics of the AK/ bcheese and dog makes the buds look a tad purple, is that just my eyes or have they actually got a tinge of purp?

Nevermind the cheese leaves, the buds look to be growing without any temperament. Sterlin job!
Nah its the cam mate ,i was playing about with the settings and forgot what i normally use... Ive got a couple DPQ f2s to pop thats gonna be the closet topurle that i get..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member

I've been looking over some of my previous grows and these are roughly the same age,im thinking these ones buds are looking at touch fatter ,the 1st pics 4 20ltr bubbs , s2nd is the tent the same and 3rd is the 90ltr bubb single plant under one light. The current grows been getting less nutes than the previous grow,temps i fell have been alot better i didnt make no homemade co2 this time round maybe that played apart? no pk 13/14 either i think i,ll get alittle bottle of the bloombastic tomorrow. I do seem to have more bud sites though just not as thick. Well see i the next 2wks.
Let me know what you think..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member

Some shots with the light on ,plants looking good .
Anybody used GHE nutes? Im looking to change my base nutes any suggestions? HB does dyno grow only sell in the US?

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
O.K ..
There some small white bugs in the run off trays under my to soil pots. They look like thrips but i didnt think thats were i would find them anyway i cleared what i could see in the trays checked plant and soil but couldnt see any , i watered plant and the next day i could see them again not as much though , but some out of the water moving about. Dont have cam till later ,i'll get a few pics then.
As im starting week 8 flower im not sure what to do, and what are they?:-?

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update. Wk 8 flower

Took some pics with phone cam so some shots aint as clear, soon as get cam back i post some better ones.
Anyway took some of the bugs ,cant see much .Doesnt seem like anyones got any ideas on what they could be, doesnt seem to be affect to plants at the mo.

I put in some seeds to day dpq,Physco killer X Herijuana ,Lemon skunk and another Skunk #1 also have a few cuts in with them G-bud,dogs,blueberry and some next cheese these all mixed no labels except the dogs as i got them all lumped together, need to get some mothers on somewhere .

All hydros got a guano/ molasses tea and nutes today its the last feed for them ,soils only on water and molasses from now, plants droping over under wieght gotto tye up some tomorrow.
Pics below:

Cool :)


Well-Known Member
was that the pics of the white bugs dgd?

i had a thrip problem bout a year ago and whenever i moved my pots i see little white bugs pretty shore they where baby thrips i used predetor mites and they all went but it took a few wks, a real good bug killer is plant vitality plus and although it dont smell to clever its organic i think???

plants are looking niiiiice m8.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
was that the pics of the white bugs dgd?

i had a thrip problem bout a year ago and whenever i moved my pots i see little white bugs pretty shore they where baby thrips i used predetor mites and they all went but it took a few wks, a real good bug killer is plant vitality plus and although it dont smell to clever its organic i think???

plants are looking niiiiice m8.
yeah thats the little f###ers.. I have some of that vitality + i think its good but i wouldnt spray them with it when its this late into flowering, had some bad problems last time i did that buds went all black and shit .I think its smells likesomething in you'd find in a hospital so i dont think its organic . Im going to leave them be as its almost done now.

heres a pic after i sprayed with spider mite control and vitality + in the same week...

I've started the flush on the soil plants with water and molasses.Im thinking about super cropping all of hydro as the dogs is going to need an extra week , not sure yet.



Well-Known Member
yeah i dunno if id use it on me bud dgd? although they reckon its ok up to use 6hrs before harvest lol

predetor mites worked well for me i was expecting a box of bugs to release into the grow room but they are just sachets that you hang on and around the plants i opened 1 up and it just looks like sawdust? probably was lol dodgy hydro shop.

nar they done a good job with me thrips but it took a while.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
yeah i dunno if id use it on me bud dgd? although they reckon its ok up to use 6hrs before harvest lol

predetor mites worked well for me i was expecting a box of bugs to release into the grow room but they are just sachets that you hang on and around the plants i opened 1 up and it just looks like sawdust? probably was lol dodgy hydro shop.

nar they done a good job with me thrips but it took a while.

:) 6hrs before harvest!! hmmm .
I dont know what exactly caused my problems cause i used the spider mite control in the same week aswell but im in no hurry to find out.
I made a mix of garlic,Chilli peppers ,molasses and drop of fairy that was for a spidermite outbreak but its supposed to work on all bugs. It didnt kill em off but it slowed down there progress till i chopped them, in the end i got the hotbox now i aint had a mite problem since but now i have thrips for the first time...

The Lem seeds, and the 2Dpqs have poked out but the phs kill x her or sk #1 anit budged, the p/kill didnt pop out its shell in the water either . Lent out the cam and cant seem to get it back ..!! I hate lending out my shit and this is why:cuss:
I'm emptying all tubs today and tomorrow and its just water till chop next week . Buds are looky horny ,trichs cloudy no amber on the sample i looked at .

:leaf:Dr Geen Dre ..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Got a some video footage to put up ,anybody upload video without youtube? Post me a link if you can help.
Some bad news i lost my psy kill x heri seed ,trying to see if it had any life and dropped the sack the seeds done one:oops: I've got another but that'll wait for now.



Blue cheese


Some of the fattest cheese i've seen in my gardens :)
Soz the quality !!:joint::joint:


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update. End of wk8

Finally got the cam back today:) and got trigga happy...
Plants are ready the the chop now all except the Dog but its going to have to come down with the rest cause i cant relocate it at the moment and i need this room for drying .I have more of these going that will be left the full 9wks from cut so i'll get some of the proper finished product in the next few..
Im letting the dwc run real low and topping up a to qtr max , im hoping this will help with the amount of water in the plant when i chop and still give it enough to flush out the chems.
Heres the pics:

Ak 47-2wk veg from cut

DOGS 2wk veg from seed


Blue cheese -:) cones 2wks from cut


other pics to follow..


Well-Known Member
love the pics dgd you got alot of bud there m8.

ive never grown the exo or pyscho but we spoke and if the exo yields more then carnt wait this is the pyscho at 33days in soil with ALOT of mistakes etc.

just ad another look fuck them pics of the blue cheese look blue lol you said its a clone version of blue cheese? looks nice m8.


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
love the pics dgd you got alot of bud there m8.

ive never grown the exo or pyscho but we spoke and if the exo yields more then carnt wait this is the pyscho at 33days in soil with ALOT of mistakes etc.

just ad another look fuck them pics of the blue cheese look blue lol you said its a clone version of blue cheese? looks nice m8.
Cool sambo ...Looks like its gonna pack on some weight if its only 33days looking like that!! Got some more to upload but i only got that one of the Blue cheese for some reason all other came out funny.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Cheese exo and other 2wk for cut..90ltr and 20ltrs dwc


The next time i update this will have been hung drawn and quarter'd:)
The 90ltr plants have finished smaller than i thought , if the weights the same i'll be doing them just the same again as there easier to manage. Some of the tall 20ltrs are leaning over and have had to be supported.

DGD :leaf:


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Some better shots of the Dogs aka D'Og..



The ruler is 1m , so you can see how high they've finished the dogs is the tallest in there, i cant get any good pics of the dwc till i take them down, which is looking to be tomorrow now but i'll leave the dogs till last .



Well-Known Member
have you smoked the d'Og before DgD?

The AK looks lovely and to have yielded nicely is it serious seeds and is it as stinky as they claim?

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
have you smoked the d'Og before DgD?

The AK looks lovely and to have yielded nicely is it serious seeds and is it as stinky as they claim?
Nah its my first time with the Dogs , I got my ak47 cut off my friend he says its from and good source but i dont know which breeder , yeah its stinky bro but it don't smell like the ak i know more of a sweety smell.