Too many brownies
you can cut them if you want but you will yield less ,
Cutting of a few clones WILL NOT make him yield less....where are you getting this info?

you can cut them if you want but you will yield less ,
No 1 says any thing about clones man he wants a single Chola with no side branches like SOG grows side branches not clones
I don't know why anyone would smoke something that tastes
like cheese.
I Cant believe im talking to you about what some 1 else wants to do, Read back before you start pick shooting ...
He wants to cut all branchs of to grow 1 main chola Like people do with small SOG plants ,
Can he clone the branches he snips off , Yess
Will he yield less snipping off all side branches Yess
is it advisable to cut of all side branches ....... No
i wish u would stop whining man lmao
Will he yield less snipping off all side branches NO
This is wrong... if he intends to just grow one plant under a 400w, then by removing side branches (that would actually become colas) he would be losing out on yield... as the plant will need to grow shoots anew to fill the vacated space. A plant not only puts its energies into budding, but also in filling any available light space.
With a plant taking in more light it will be able to yield more.
At last! thanks nomad, someone that's heard of cheese, not only heard of it but smoked it too. I mentioned it on this site once and was accused of smoking crack!
cheese strain does not smell like actual cheese
I think you want to expand your horizons a little, find out whats out there, you could be surprised at how shit nl would be consindered in todays market.