Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
My beloved Gfriend made me order them, she really enjoyed the last batch (she even paid for the seeds) I am a lucky guy.

First order for me from Pick and Mix but Cheetah told me they where good, I did not know you also ordered from them. I can't wait to get the next batch going :)

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
My beloved Gfriend made me order them, she really enjoyed the last batch (she even paid for the seeds) I am a lucky guy.

First order for me from Pick and Mix but Cheetah told me they where good, I did not know you also ordered from them. I can't wait to get the next batch going :)
nice when the gfriend pays :hump:
i ordered from p&mix good service will try seeds next year end of jan train wreck morrnin glory & Alaskan ice what you order Gorlax :weed:


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of the strain called "Honey"?...i just got a sample bag from a buddy that said it was called honey...and WOW it tastes like sweet honey.


Well-Known Member
I'm smoking some right now actually...i just made a batch last night from a bunch of small nuggets and trim. It's yummy.

But this weed is really good's some pretty potent shit, and not harsh at all...3 hits from my bong and I couldn't even feel the smoke...very smooth.


Well-Known Member
hello santa koosh :mrgreen: i is fine! how ya bin doin? puff puff pass>>>> :joint:
chillin dude, its that time of year to show how much we love our families...........get out the wallets and spend spend spend, just for that holiday cheer. :lol: the long lines and rude people are hurting me lol, consumerism at its darkest. i am done ranting now.:cuss: it looks like you and me always smoke our harvest up too quick. i think we should both start growing 50 plants at a time.:lol::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member patience growers eh? The longest I ever flowered a strain was for 14 weeks, can't remember what it was...but god dam was it fruity.

I love the long flowering starins...the taste is uncomparable, BUT, we're not look at that strain to grow, but rather if anyone has ever heard of the strain "honey"...since I recieved a bag of it and found it to be absolutly delicious.


Well-Known Member patience growers eh? The longest I ever flowered a strain was for 14 weeks, can't remember what it was...but god dam was it fruity.

I love the long flowering starins...the taste is uncomparable, BUT, we're not look at that strain to grow, but rather if anyone has ever heard of the strain "honey"...since I recieved a bag of it and found it to be absolutly delicious.
I have smoked Honey B from Barney's farm. Unmistakinly HONEY flavor but could have been cured longer it was a little firey on the throat. I scored it at Barney Breakfast bar in Amstwerdam


Well-Known Member
I found out it is Honey B from BF. It's a very nice smoke...very smooth not harsh at all.

Is that you in the picture Mattso?