Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I wish I could help...but I live too far away.

Got a wierd plant to tell you about...found a seed in a good bag of weed...(I don't use bag seeds EVER...but figured why not)...well at 2 weeks of age and 2 nodes up...behold a pistal...and the next node up has a pistal starting too...kinda wierd...i've never heard of that unless it's an auto strain...but there are no buds forming on it like an auto would. There have been a few people on here saying the same things that there plants have pistals very early in age and i didn't believe them untill now. Kinda wierd huh?

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey cheets, its only a fast train ride away. I can imajin Cheetah in Paris lol, sounds like a song tital lol