Chemistry Discussion Thread

Has anyone asked about a Ketamine synth? Ive looked them up and they seem fairly easy and straight forward i just cant find a working synth that people stand behind.

Like everything on the internet people denounce it and others say it works. let me know if youd be interested in bringing this up for a topic of discussion.

PM me if necessary

Most people frown on donkey dust, I don't know why. Damn cheap to get medical grade K500 from India.
Well you're in a bit late. If people have topics they would liek to see discussed I'm open to reviving it but I hate writing without some kind of prompt. I tend to end up going all over the place and not being very coherent.
Hey everyone!
I've been wanting to make a thread like this for awhile but I didn't have time or decent home internet access. Now that things are calming down from moving I have those things.
I want this thread to cover any topic in chemistry that people want to learn about, from drug synthesis to why the structure of the HOMO requires a backside addition in an Sn2 reaction, or even quantum mechanics. I'm on a train using my phone right now so I can't post pics and start talking synths. Give me 24 hours and we'll get started with the synth of PEAs and amphetamines via a Knoevengal condensation.
Anything in open literature is fair game. If anyone has any chem questions please feel free to ask even if it's not related to the current topic. Also suggestions for discussion topics are most welcome.

ahhhhhhhh, chemistry!:wink:

i've posted this question in political to which no one (not even in medical field) can answer.

i, of course know the answer..time to exercise your googling! promise?


what one narcotic is sold OTC in america every state?:fire:

good luck!

Where the hell is MrEDuck. I thought he was lecturing today!

what every adjunct professor thinks when you walk in and have 'that" attitude:mrgreen:

Nice, I remember reading this thread... and the "guess the molecule" one. Foreign languages to me but good to read :)

my question involved the "one" missing molecule.

loperamide is an opioid less one molecule that allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier.

so it only works in your colon: immodium
my question involved the "one" missing molecule.

loperamide is an opioid less one molecule that allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier.

so it only works in your colon: immodium

no I mean there was a thread with molecular pictures etc and the game was to guess what substance it was
IV loperamide still runs into the same issue. If you want to get it into the brain you need to encapsulate it somehow or inhibit p-glycoprotein to allow it to cross. Or take MASSIVE doses of it.
I must say it's a brilliant piece of medicinal chemistry from arguably the greatest medicinal chemist ever. He eliminated what is generally perceived as the main function of a drug and used what was considered an undesirable side effect as a life saving therapy. I know most of us don't see it that way but it is a vital drug in the developing world. And still something to be grateful for when you need it in the first world :)
Opioid's like canabinols come in a wide variety. In the Poppy
their is so much to learn and discover . theirs probably a compound that can be made for pain that is not psychically addicting
they just don't want it out there for money making purposes .

I find the whole thing just amazingly fascinating and want to learn as much as I can . Thank you so much for this thread . and anyone that can suggest
more resources about organic synthesis please PM me
Opioid's like canabinols come in a wide variety. In the Poppy
their is so much to learn and discover . theirs probably a compound that can be made for pain that is not psychically addicting
they just don't want it out there for money making purposes .

I find the whole thing just amazingly fascinating and want to learn as much as I can . Thank you so much for this thread . and anyone that can suggest
more resources about organic synthesis please PM me
I really doubt there is a true painkiller that doesn't have addiction issues. The nature of how opioid work is once the pain is gone they feel good. A pain reliever as effective as morphine without the addiction issue is considered a holy grail of medicinal chemistry.
I really doubt there is a true painkiller that doesn't have addiction issues. The nature of how opioid work is once the pain is gone they feel good. A pain reliever as effective as morphine without the addiction issue is considered a holy grail of medicinal chemistry.

i've never done dabs..i know they do here (florida) because i see in smoke shop they have the stuff for sale..but truly a cali thing.

how are dabs at pain relieving?

flower tends to make a throbbing pain worse (toothache) though relaxing enough to handle regular aches and pain from exercise imho.

i know this may sound gross but if you take the medicinal properties and introduce in a glycerine the lower bowel has the best absorption.

has anyone experimented with this?