Chemistry Discussion Thread

i've never done dabs..i know they do here (florida) because i see in smoke shop they have the stuff for sale..but truly a cali thing.

how are dabs at pain relieving?

flower tends to make a throbbing pain worse (toothache) though relaxing enough to handle regular aches and pain from exercise imho.

i know this may sound gross but if you take the medicinal properties and introduce in a glycerine the lower bowel has the best absorption.

has anyone experimented with this?
I wouldn't use glycerin if you want it to absorb. Glycerin is a hyperosmotic laxitive. I find pain relief is variable depending n the type of pain and teh strain. I find oral THCA is awesome for inflammation based pain.

I have alcohol tinctures, coconut butter, glycerin tinctures. They all have there place. A little of the alcohol rubbed on my temples will cure a headache fast. A mix of the coco butter and glycerin makes an awesome warming topical. Also, my wife had a wart that kept coming back. I had her cover it in BHO for about a month and its been gone for about 6 months. Favorite strains for pain? g13 works awesome, but will knock you out. Longs peak blue works great and if you don't overdue it will leave you capable of doing more that drooling. I have a number of other strains in coconut butter but I usually consider them more recreational.
Hey I got this recipe I just made using everclear as the oral drops and imo there alright potency wise but should I still tast the clear or should I have cooked it longer?