Chemtrails, what are they? Vote Here..!

Chemtrails are:

  • 1) Condensation trails from high altitude jets

    Votes: 25 51.0%
  • 2) Something purposely being hidden

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • 3) Something purposely being sprayed

    Votes: 13 26.5%
  • 4) Geoengineering

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • 5) Other

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
is our government at war with us? are they performing nationwide experiments, in secret? the government can't keep it secret that the president paid a whore to keep her mouth shut, how the fuck could they keep a secret of this magnitude for years?
when you can tell me what it is they're spraying, and why, i might take you more seriously. take air samples in the area where you see all these planes. get them analyzed. if you find ANYTHING out of the ordinary, then, and only then, will i ever take this even slightly seriously.
Hey awesome, you posted this at 10:10. I swear it seems like every time I look at the clock it's frickin 1010. Lol nice
There was no cloud seeding going on in WWI, as a WAR HISTORIAN I can tell you with some certainty this is true. Just because you were told something by some clown somewhere doesn't mean ur right, it means ur a fool, at best.

Show me PROOF now. Actual proof. If u don't, ur just a liar who knows nothing about which he speaks, kinda like a child. Expect attention? Expect to get TAUGHT, son. U offend my senses as an historian.
What ABOUT weather mod in Vietnam? U never once mentioned Vietnam you specifically mentioned the great war. Your obviously not too good at this life thing or the whole facts matter issue.

I asked for proof that there was mod happening DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR AS U SUPPOSED and u come back with Vietnamese weather mod!?!? There's about a 60 year difference between the two and the technology is much further advanced.

In Vietnam, weather modification along with chemical weaponry, barrel modification, smart artillery, and jet technology were all DESIGNATED acts of warfare until they were either abandoned or outlawed.

U ough to have participated in Vietnam or wwi because there would be one less amateur snowflake here rambling about his wannabe knowledge, making a mockery of our history with conspiracy.

New member or not, get out my face cuz I'll destroy u in any debate anywhere. So either get some real, actual, WWI PERIOD PROOF or get out.

Ya ....that's what I said

Couldn't find it guess you're right thanks for the correction. (Guess I'll go in My Cry closet for my allotted 10 minutes) I guess I was 40 years too early but let's take it from there shall we, you just proved nothing except I was a few decades too early

You're also taking this threat off topic, and I'm going to bring it back to what they're spraying and why ?

You got handled fool.....

Big foot semen FTW
The U.S. Air Force has notified Congress that it intends to shut down HAARP, a controversial Alaska-based research facility that studies an energetic and active region of the upper atmosphere.

Conspiracy theorists are abuzz about the news, given that HAARP (short for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) has long been the center of wild speculation that the program is designed to control the weather — or worse. In 2010, Venezuelan leader Huge Chavez claimed that HAARP or a program like it triggered the Haiti earthquake.

For the record, the Haitian quake of 2010 was caused by the slippage of a previously unmapped fault along the border of the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates.

HAARP is a research program designed to analyze the ionosphere, a portion of the upper atmosphere that stretches from about 53 miles (85 kilometers) above the surface of the Earth to 370 miles (600 kilometers) up. The program has been funded by the Air Force, the Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. [Top 10 Conspiracy Theories]

Why HAARP exists

The U.S. military is interested in the ionosphere because this portion of the atmosphere plays a role in transmitting radio signals. HAARP sends radio beams into the ionosphere to study the responses from it — one of the few ways to accurately measure this inaccessible part of the atmosphere.

HAARP operates out of the HAARP Research Station in Gakona, Alaska, where it has a high-power radio frequency transmitter that can perturb a small portion of the ionosphere. Other instruments are then used to measure the perturbations.

Images from the HAARP camera show speckle-like artificial optical emissions superimposed on the background natural aurora only during frames when the transmitter was on. The experiment was conducted on March 10, 2004. USAF
The goal of the program is to understand the physics of the ionosphere, which is constantly responding to influences from the sun. Solar flares can send solar particles racing toward Earth, occasionally disrupting communications and the electrical grid. If scientists could better understand what happens in the ionosphere, they might be able to mitigate some of these problems.

But the Air Force is no longer interested in maintaining HAARP, according to David Walker, the Air Force deputy assistant secretary for science, technology and engineering.

At a Senate hearing on May 14, Walker said the Air Force has no interest in maintaining the site, and is moving in another direction in ionospheric research.

Politics and conspiracy

The Air Force's plan to destroy HAARP has detractors.

"While the Air Force neither wants nor appreciates the unique value of HAARP, users from several federal agencies, laboratories and universities, and friendly nations such as Canada, Britain, Taiwan, South Korea, Sweden and Norway, are eager to use its unique resources, which would further spread American influence and leadership," Dennis Papadopoulos, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Maryland, wrote in an opinion piece in the Alaska Dispatch.

HAARP cost more than $290 million to build, much of it earmarked by late Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who had great influence over the U.S. defense budget during his time in Congress. The site was host to numerous projects over the years, including the creation of the first artificially produced aurora in 2005. The site's generators now require remediation to meet the environmental standards set in the Clean Air Act, an expense no one seems keen to take on.

Conspiracy theorists think HAARP's purpose is far more sinister than meets the eye. The program has been blamed for everything from global warming to natural disasters to mysterious humming noises in the sky.

Name a natural phenomenon, and someone probably suspects HAARP of being behind it. Online, conspiracy theorists suggest that HAARP was to blame for the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan; the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado of 2013; a landslide in 2006 in the Philippines; and many more natural disasters. Other conspiracy theories hold that HAARP controls people's minds or is capable of altering the very fabric of reality.

These theories have yet to subside, even though very little has been going on at HAARP over the past year. In May 2013, the site shut down during a change in operations contractors. At the time, the HAARP program manager told reporters that the site was temporarily closed and locked, with only one DARPA project left to wrap up by early 2014.

haarp is a weather study program, not a weather control program. or an earthquake making machine, or a death ray.....
the guy in the video made a poor choice of words, when he said "managing the ionosphere"....they don't manage shit, they can disturb a small areaof the ionosphere, then take reading on it, to gather research data.....
What the military noticed in 1962 during high altitude nuclear testing aka Operation Fishbowl in the South Pacific was that the firmament/dome/ionosphere could be TEMPORARILY electrically charged from the electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear blast. They were able to test the strength of the dome and map out its shape. A Thor missile hit the dome and created an aurora at the detonation site as well as another aurora in the opposite hemisphere instantaneously as it traveled across the magnetic field of the dome/ionosphere. Terrestrial based satellites dishes in a grid formation use the dome to bounce and relay signals for TV and communication. The military bounces radar waves off the dome for long range radar aka OTH radar. Satellite communication is 70 year old technology by the way. My point is it's part of the haarp program most likely. It's a cocktail of electrically charged metals that TEMPORARILY charge the ionosphere/dome/firmament in conjunction with their huge base in Alaska. They are manipulating the electrical charge of the electromagnetic field of the firmament/dome to aid and meet demand of today's technology.
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..does this look normal to you?

(they're not going to be able to keep it a secret much longer friend, I suspect that's part of why they spraying)
Make your mind up. Supposed chem trails and harp are two different things.

Do I believe there are expierments involving weather? Sure.

I believe it possible that clouds have been seeded before.

I do not think there is some big secret about shit being sprayed in the populace.

The secret would be too big to contain when it comes to things like chem trails and flat Earth.

Let me guess. You buy into the new world order and killing off the population except for about a half million to be used as slaves. Remember YouTube said that Obama would usher in the new world order.

I believe there are cover ups in the government and hidden agendas agendas but not to the end you are talking.
Here's proof that they're not naturally occurring contrails..

(some of you might recognize this guy surely he wouldn't lie ?)
Why do you fall for stuff like that? It is a clip out of context. The beginning is missing. It's not proof of the program. It sounds more like an idea being pitched.

Sorry. Try again.
Make your mind up. Supposed chem trails and harp are two different things.

Do I believe there are expierments involving weather? Sure.

I believe it possible that clouds have been seeded before.

I do not think there is some big secret about shit being sprayed in the populace.

The secret would be too big to contain when it comes to things like chem trails and flat Earth.

Let me guess. You buy into the new world order and killing off the population except for about a half million to be used as slaves. Remember YouTube said that Obama would usher in the new world order.

I believe there are cover ups in the government and hidden agendas agendas but not to the end you are talking.
i don't believe for one minute that the government is snowy pure, they do all kinds of shit and cover it up, but its shit like pollution, corruption, wrongful deaths.....not weather controlling death rays, alien space craft, or the shape of the planet
They probably have under ground shelters built complete with pyramid hats.

Fuck ya they do Blake ..... That's the only way they can contain these bigfoots and harvest their semen.

I'm guna share something that is quite embarrassing for me. I figure this is the best place to share sensitive information about my personal life.

I was beamed up by a UFO one night while jogging naked.They took me back to one of these underground facilities. They took me there and milked me. They were all wearing tin foil hats. I felt scared and horny all at the same time. Come to find out it was all a mistake. They saw my huge cock swinging as I was jogging on that warm summer night. Basically,They thought I was a bigfoot so they collected me. After talking with the head alien in charge. He explained it was all a mistake because of my huge member. He went on to explain that they harvest Big Foot semen for chem trails, and that they let them out at night to eat and collect them back for semen collection before dawn.

I post off facts ..... Not some made up bullshit found on the internet.

i don't believe for one minute that the government is snowy pure, they do all kinds of shit and cover it up, but its shit like pollution, corruption, wrongful deaths.....not weather controlling death rays, alien space craft, or the shape of the planet

I agree .....except the alien space craft part....not because I believe...but because my custom tin foil hat sales would go down dramatically if.........well you know ;-)