LOL The internet hasn't been around long bro.Any joke can be said to the wrong person and they try to start shit. Usually they end up being the ones getting popped in the mouth when they think they're hard.
She's hot!
I guess for some people trolling around forums looking for verbal confrontations is the highlight of their day. I'll let you run with that one buddy. I know this is probably the most fun you've had in a while.
Damn right she does. I could not understand half of what she was pissing about because the sound was jacked up. Can't figure if she's for or against evolution. If she's a Jesus freak she sure was dropping "fuck" as much as any Marine I ever heard. Wow! Can you imagine being her parents and have her just waste your hard earned money on tuition? My boys would not dare.That girl needs a big ass blunt to calm that shit down
since i've been on this site, this little tiff with fab is probably the 2nd or 3rd actual argument i've been in.
you're the one talking about getting "popped in the fucking mouth" telling people that their "ass gets punked daily" and telling me to "crawl in a hole" since i'm "pathetic" and it would "do the world a favor". you're the one with the obvious problems. so before you jump into the end of an argument that doesn't concern you and start talking your shit, maybe you should actually think about what you're saying.
as for race,what is race, a sparrow and a pigeon are both birds,their coloration doesn't matter,
I made a comment about a racist joke not being funny and you are your "partner" over there decided it was ok to talk shit. You are a racist. It's cool, at least you admit it. Doesn't mean I have to like it or even tolerate it. This is an open forum and if you say dumb shit then expect to be called on it. Do you want me to start quoting what you guys have said in this thread too? The two of you look like this dude...
She needs theFeminist want equality except when it's equal responsibility for your actions.Women aren't equal and need to be treated more lightly in a situation like this. Don't curb stomp the bitch, but give her a good slap.
- You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to phillipchristian again.
Sometime soon damn RIU can't like or rep !
the black thing was wrong to say and an "in the moment" stupid comment, but i'm not racist.
seeing as i went to an all black school and lived in an all black neighborhood, i know their ethnic group pretty damn well. and i respect the ones who deserve respect.
i mean, i guess you called me on it... but you don't have a very strong argument.
Mr. Stern I do road construction. I drive end loaders and semi's, move hundreds of 50lb sand bags a day, run jack hammers. I have callused hands from hard physical work. I work circles around half of my male counterparts. Hell, I was even a corporal in the Marine Corp as a diesel mech. I ride Harley's and whatever man I deem man enough to handle it. Apparently, your the one playing the cunt card.Thats for damn sure! It's equality when it comes to pay and promotions! But when it comes time to do the physical labor they pull the cunt card and have a man do it!
People across the internet shouldn't get butt hurt by what some asshole across the internet says,if you do, you need to grow some damn balls...