Child Support Rant


Master of Mayhem
Well it happened today...the motherfuckers found me. Now I'm getting hit with $240 a fucking paycheck. GOD I HATE THOSE COCKSUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the story:

I lost my 2 kids to the state of Georgia on March 19, 2001 because of my meth habit at the time....whatever. No one in my family had the opportunity to take them, so they were immediately split up and put in seperate foster homes. I tried to do their bullshit as fast as I could, but no matter how hard I tried they kept throwing more shit at me. So it got to the point where I had to leave the state because of all the fucking warrants I had on me. Unfortunately my stupid ass signed the child support order the day before I left. 6 months later I get a letter from Georgia DFCS saying that my parental rights had been terminated......6 months after that I get another letter saying that they had been officially adopted out, and all hope for me to regain them was lost.

Now these cocksuckers have been taking my tax refund for the last 5 years. I figure whatever...they are getting their money. I didn't ask them to take my kids, so fuck them and their child support. I can't stop them from taking my taxes, so what the fuck ever.

In 2005 they found me at my job in Florida. No big deal at the time because I was working for a local, privately owned stereo shop, so they just told them I quit and started paying me under the table. Then I moved to Ohio.......
Didn't hear any more about it until the day before I came back to Florida...they found me at my job big deal because I was quitting my job there forreal and moving back to Florida.

I get back to Florida....I start recieving letters from Ohio child support enforcement saying that it has been transferred from Ga to OH....OK so whatever... I don't live there anymore. I go to get my drivers liscence changed from OH to FL with no snags. The next day I get a letter from OH CSE saying my DL has been suspended...HA HA HA...the jokes on them because the state of FL does not suspend drivers liscences on child support claims.

Today I get the letter from the human resources department saying that they are now taking $240 out of my paycheck every other week. I can't do the old "He quit" and get paid under the table routine because now I work for a major corporation and they just don't do that. So now I have to hire an attorney to take care of all this bullshit. The kicker is that all CS should have stopped accruing the moment those kids were adopted out...but guess didn't. Now they are saying that I owe them over $20,000!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK.......they been taking my taxes...the kids are adopted out...but I owe that much!!! I THINK NOT!!!!! Anyway I have to go meet with an attorney Monday to find out how much I gotta pay his ass to straighten all this BULLSHIT out....FUCK

OK I feel better now...just had to get that out.....anybody else ever been through this shit?
Nope, I just pay $550/mo out to my sorry ass ex who takes in every sorry ass scumbag boyfriend she can find. The last three haven't had drivers licenses, car, job, or a place to live. Most of my CS goes to supporting them and paying their bills. She borrows at least $100 a week to feed my kids, even during the summer when they spend 6 days a week with me at my office.

Oh well, only 9 more years and she can start taking care of herself. I could have a new house and a new car but she decided to start slumming around on me. I figure I give her close to $12,000 a year. My vehicle has 247,000+ miles on it. She drives a new car. I don't have heat/ac/stereo. She has a $2,000 stereo system in her car.

Fuck, now I'm pissed.

Thanks a lot Ernie
Shit i feel ya both......ive already done 90 days in jail for child support, havent gotten a tax return in 9 yrs., have my son living with me, and still gotta pay child support, AINT THAT A BITCH.? And to top it all off, I gotta go back to court on Sept. 6 or the 7th and looking at going back to jail or even prison. FUCK im FUCKED. Plus i have 2 battery warrents out 4 me. So they gonna bend me over and fuck me with 13 inches of hard law cock. I know the feeling
Now I have to hire an attorney in fucking Ohio to handle this matter.......and I'm in fucking Florida....this is such bullshit:mad:
Lets look at this from the other viewpoint. You picked the woman. You slept or at least had sex with her. You brought children into this world with her. They aren't cheap. Be a man. Pay for your responsibilities.

Do you think it is cheap to feed, clothe, house, educate, doctor and raise kids?

How dare you run away from your financial responsibibities. When was the last time you saw your kids? Too far away when was the last time you talked to them? Can't afford that? When was the last time you wrote, sent a card, emailed?

Too busy drinking, doing drugs, chasing women? You are a grown up these are little children.
UM Yeah ex-wife does not even have the kids anymore. They were adopted out 1 year after we lost them. The state of Georgia TOOK them from us both.......
Now I'm willing to pay for when they were in protective custody for that 1 year, but after they were adopted out they are not my responsibility anymore.
I would be more than happy to have them back, feed them, clothe them, send birthday cards if they gave me the chance. I don't even know where they are or who they are the hell am I supposed to send them anything?

Don't be so quick to deem me as irresponsible.
They are your kids. The state took them because you were not a good parent. Why should the state pay for your kids. You made em you pay for em. I am not going to.
I have 3 kids and it doesn't cost a whole hell of a lot of money to raise them......And I say raise them because CS isn't supposed to be for toys and shit.......figures something like that would come out of a womens mouth....Sorry MOGIE but you have no clue.
Whoever is the parent that has custody should be receiving child support. If you pick them, have sex with them and have children with them it is your responsibility to take care of them until they are grown.

Remember the children didn't ask to be born. You and you lady friend made that decision for them.
Like I said....fine...I'll pay for the year in custody...but I AM NOT going to pay the $20,000 that had built up since AFTER they were adopted out. LEGALLY ADOPTED names, new families...thats permanent. Once they were adopted out they became the responsibility of the new parents...not the why the FUCK do I owe them for the 6 years after that?
Didn't say anything about toys. Only a man would lump food and clothes in with toys and "shit".
Whoever is the parent that has custody should be receiving child support. If you pick them, have sex with them and have children with them it is your responsibility to take care of them until they are grown.

Remember the children didn't ask to be born. You and you lady friend made that decision for them.

Like I said before...neither Me OR my EX-wife have custody of them...they were ADOPTED OUT!!!!!
Damn right I would, and don't get it mixed up like you women tend to do...Ohhh let me take the CS and get my nails done, or I need a foot the stories for someone that gives a shit....and these are examples coming from my wife....You show or give me a child that costs over $300 dollars to raise....Yeah didn't think so...How many kids you got?
$300/month that is.......and yet half of them are still on fucking welfare...This is exactly why I went to the court systems and got my children.....and I can give a damn If the women gives me a penny or not....Id rather them be involved in their childs life then take their fucking money
Sorry If Im coming off strong but this is a sensitive subject......Men take it in the ass when it comes to this shit......and a lot of women will tell you that.
See she has jumped to the conclusion that I am shafting my ex on the CS, which is not the case at all. The state took them from BOTH of us...terminated our parental rights 6 mos later, then 6 mos after that adopted them out. They never gave me a chance, so you know what....FUCK THEM!
Sorry If Im coming off strong but this is a sensitive subject......Men take it in the ass when it comes to this shit......and a lot of women will tell you that.

if you have custody of your kids and you are still paying the ex $300 a month then rant all you want my friend. :mrgreen::peace:
The laws are still fucked up Mogie. I give around $1,000 per month to my ex. I'm on top of my responsibilities, I even go beyond. My CS is $455/mo and I give extra. I also supply money for medical costs, etc.

We had the children together. She decides to start slumming around her old hometown as soon as she started hanging around her sorry-ass family. When we divorced she was jobless. She moved into a rat hole with her at-the-time boyfriend immediately after leaving me. The guy was a drunk. He beat her, destroyed my kids toys, clothes and bed. The state wouldn't give me custody. Next she moved into public housing, but got kicked out 3 months later because she had somebody living with her (guy #2) who was a drug dealer and banned from public housing. State wouldn't give me custody of the kids. She's still jobless at this point. She moves in with guy #3. Guy #3 lives with his parents, is jobless, has no car. Also living in the same trailer is 2 other guys, 1 being a convicted sex felon. State won't give me custody. DHR deems their place unfit for children. State won't give me custody. She moves out of there and into an apartment with Guy #2, still sleeping around with Guy #3. Police make 4 trips out over a 6 month period to settle domestic disputes. Arrests are made. State still won't give me custody. This was the first 2 1/2 years after the divorce. The saga continues. The state agrees my children are in a really bad environment. Their mother uses them for the money. That's it. Period. She doesn't spend any of the $1,000+/mo I give her on my kids. If I don't pay, I'm considered a dead beat dad and I go to jail. Where is her mother fucking label?