China is making Cree CXB3590 now

I have to say I know of a very reputable trustworthy company in China. It's Kingbrite I got lucky I guess but a lot of members has bought from him with no problems

Well done Realstyles glad to hear it;)...

Loving your next post of the lovely Ms Shannon from "Not from" Mars lol

Dear oh dear Mars are so funny and naughty:mrgreen:
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I spoke with the guys of Panda Grow like 6 months ago about their 600W CXB3590. Got an offer for 390$ + 100$ shipping. They seemed ok and fast to answer all my questions. I finally didn't bought it and preffered to wait because I couldn't find any feedback from this company so I was a bit afraid. If anyone deal with them, please let us know !
Are they running them at 2.4mA? that is still around 46% efficient for a 3500k db, right?
Isn't the driver alone over 200 bucks? wonder if this is legit.
Anyone ever ordered something else from them?
Well said!

You raise some interesting points Aquarius Panta, which I would quickly like to touch upon.

With regards to feeding the Chinese economy I kind of see it as a two way street in that a lot of Western big brand businesses Apple, Caterpillar, General motors etc have based a lot of their manufacturing in China in order to drive production costs down and profit margins up....

Now while the above is Great for the American Corps who sold out the locals in order to bolster the war chest....It is not so Great for the Average American they left behind, who ends up having to look for another job. Nor is it a good situation for the Average Chinese worker who is expected to work long hours for a next to nothing slave wage.

So whilst the CEO's of both the Chinese and American corporations stand to make huge profits and become winners, it is all at the expense of the Chinese labourer and the American/Western consumers who end up going into debt whilst simultaneously paying through the nose for over-inflated products.

Pure and simple the reason the situation is bad for the average person in America and China is down to corporate control and coporate greed, because it is the corporations who control the market value of raw materials and stock....We the people are the ones who make the wealth for these bloated Behmoths, yet the company takes 90% to split between 1% and leaves the 10% crumbs for the 99% workforce and then thinks we should be grateful for this fact.

But while we decide condone such behaviour by our continual support of corruption (e.g paying for these goods with our sweat equity) then we are in fact contributing to our own enslavement ironically and economic downturns with regards to low wages lack of jobs etc because we have allowed them to get away with it...The power lies in the hands of the majority but the coporate elite have deceived us into believing it is us who needs them, when in fact it is the other way round.

America and China are very much bedfellows on one level, yet they pretend to be otherwise, to the citizens of America and China...And so to that end we the people continue to give away our power, and allow the global market to be dictacted by them for us.