The rest of trim was in dry herb shelf in tent with fan, ideally for the buds. Just wanted to see if they smoked/smelled better and the kief etc get to dry properly and possibly cure. Idk what people do with the trim but I wet trim.
They dried at 60rh instead of flower room 35rh. 12 days ish vs 2 or 3.
They have a musky smell, they should of been on dry herb shelf itself but was on aluminum foil and perhaps shouldnt of put one on top the other as the underneath leafs still have flex.
What do you do with trim or what wouldnyou do with it if you wet trimmed? They seem to do good drying fast in flower room.
In process of seeing how harsh my products are but the kief from weed with no cure that I posted here and tried to press, it had a harsh sensation a tad bit. Hard to explain.
All my weed has a certain harshness but might be learning my hygrometers are off which messes everything up. So far looks like its off which would explain.
Seems harder to make weed than process into rosin which is going well. Been enjoying my rosin, no complaints.