Chosen Nugs lab build

I've been taking pictures of my room build progress but have been too busy/lazy to start a thread. Since I'm out of town for the holidays with nothing to do I figured I'd fire this thing up. Let's do this!

Room space is about 4*9*7 feet. Not ideal but I'm working with what I have. I've made some compromises due to what materials I can fit down my basement stairs. We tried to fit plywood down and the first sheet delaminated so I had to go with thin OSB as it was more flexible to wrap around the tight corners.

The plan is for a fully sealed room with automated atmosphere control. Just ordered my two hose AC unit and controller last week. Decided to go the two hose route as I have to vent back into my basement. Being incognito is the emphasis on this build. I don't want a constant stream of steam or big areas of melted snow outside of my house. I wanted a window unit hanging out of the old coal window but that looks super sketchy.

Later this week should conclude the build process and we can light up a new grow journal. Hope to see you all there!
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I've been super busy with getting the grow set up while also finishing up the room. I had time to run 12g wire and installed two weather resistant self testing GFCIs. Each outlet is on its own 20A breaker. Secured the box to the wall and caulked it for an air tight seal. Topped it off with an extra duty in use cover. I am hoping it keeps everything safe from my foliar sprays :)

Also, ordering equipment around the holidays sucks. Waited about two weeks for some things that some of the design and layout will be dependent on. Alas, they have arrived and I'll be busy at work this weekend. Hopefully should be sealing the door within the next day or two!

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Why foliar spray looks great. My humidity stays around 45 or 40 percent no issues at all. I am also not spraying fluids around the room. Also make sure you buy lights that can be wet other wire you will run into other issues