Well-Known Member
Hey man nice thing you got goin on here. I don't have time to go through 18 pages sowhat's your light setup like?
lol... well... i have a pretty ghetto setup to be honest.... but.. its worked for me the last year or so. soo im stickin with it for now. i have a bunch of clamp lights that u buy at walmart.. adn a bunch of 40 watt CFL's. and its in my closet... sooo attatched to the pole to hang clothes on. i've tied shoelaces to the pole.. and clamp the lights on the bottom of them. this way i can move the lights up and down in seconds. all i do is slide th eclamp up the shoelace... and i have 6 CFL's on her right now. not as many as i had last time.. but it seems to be doin the trick. ill take a pic pf th eplant while its in the closet to better show/explain my setup. =)