You leave the door open? How that nice orange glow in your room all the time lol. House is a rental huh? so venting up into the attic is out of the question? Maybe you could vent though the door? Get another cheap door and cut a hole at the top to vent that hot air out (maybe make a little light trap?) and i bet it would be like 78 or less in there, My roommate has 2 400s in a closet about the same size as yours, he brings in cold air from outside though a 6" dryer hose and a hole we cut though the wall of the closet and the tube just going to the window, no fan just air naturally flowing in, we also live in a rental but i'm handy and will just patch the hole when we're done. His closet stays about 75 and he has a heater in there to keep it warm at night. I hope that full moon puts out some good shit for ya i read its pretty damn good. 3-4 oz is a nice yield for a closet, BTW you've got one of the best, highest yielding closet I've seen on here also! Remember the days were you had to go buy weed? lol i wish i would have started growing a couple years ago when i first thought about it, i would have saved so much money lol. Keep up the great work cant wait for the next update, Things are a lot more roomy with that 400 huh? You'll love how your buds will turn out and you don't have to move CFL's everyday.