Well you have a green thumb my friend. I dare anyone to match your results using the MG double pot CFL gear!!!
I wonder what you could do with top knotch equipment...
Im gonna hire you as my cultivation manager!!! lol
Sometime life gets in the way of living!!! After the last grow I had almost 2 lbs of weed...I went on a journey! lol
I gave some WW, LSD, BB to an old buddy and now he is buggin the shit out of me to make more...so, here I go againnn...But I love it! lol
lol. thanks man. gotta do wat u gotta do with wat equipment u have ya kno? just goes 2 show that u dont need all this expensive equip. 2 grow a decent plant. =) but yeaa hopefully this 400 watter will help things out. =) and sure ill take that job!! hahaha. better thank workin at stop and shop. lmao
I here ya man. That 400 should be great for ya. Just be prepared to deal with the heat in a closet...and if you could add a couple of your cfl in there low your babies will love ya for it! lol
yeaa i kno wat cha mean. damn... i would LOVE to have that much bud man!! cant wait for my 400 watter to get here!! sais it will be here the 15th. =) only 4 days to ship. not bad at all.. my aurora indica sprouted.. still have 1 more that hsould sprout soon. adn a sensi start is about 1/2 inch... and the full moon clone looks ok for now. and the chronic is doin fuckin great too! very very bushy. lots of budsites as well. no white hairs yet tho =) so far so good. =)
the full moons doin AMAZING!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bud sites!!!! wen my hps gets here i gotta clean out my closet anywayz. soo ill take a bunch of pics. =)
They all look great man. I forgot witch one but that thing is stacked with nodes. Never seen a plant that perfect looking....
just 2 warn you... the floja isnt lookin as good. still frosty as shit.. but all the leaves are gettin crunchy and fallin off and turning brown. =/ most of them fell off....
That sucks. Do anything different? Lets see the picks...
Im sorry I dont remember but how long has she been flowering? My WW grow they lost all thier leaves but was killer smoke. One of my friends liked it better than all the others...Just like the lsd I mess up, still turned out great!!!
whats up bro!!
been a long time man, shits lookin good
i really like the way the floja looks man
should have some dense nugs from the 400
talk to u later....peace
Lookin good man...Hope everything goes well with the walk through...You can hide them at my house! lol
how hot does it get in there with that hps
those look dank man! +repe
Looks great man...your yeild is going to go up for sure...
Looking fantastic!
Hey man...just spoke to Santa...he is loaded up and heading your way...He has something special in there for ya...I hope youve been a good boy!!! lol
tell him to stop by my place too ...