Chris Christie Unraveled..


you're so stupid that you just throw around acronyms without even understanding them.

go get a refund on your GED and buy some more meth, skinhead.

Tell me some of the awards Richard Windsor recieved during the Obama administration three years in a row while working at the EPA

you're so stupid that you just throw around acronyms without even understanding them.

go get a refund on your GED and buy some more meth, skinhead.

The EPA scandal was that the administration used them to circumvent congress by blocking something. I have no idea what they were talking about, don't care, seemed like pittance compared to the other pile of things to have real concern over.

Sorry I can't be specific, it may even fall under fabricated for all I know. I just remember hearing that mentioned too.
The EPA scandal was that the administration used them to circumvent congress by blocking something. I have no idea what they were talking about, don't care, seemed like pittance compared to the other pile of things to have real concern over.

Sorry I can't be specific, it may even fall under fabricated for all I know. I just remember hearing that mentioned too.

all the non-scandals you guys kept trotting out were manufactured nonsense, actually.
don't be silly, it's all a massive scandal.

If Christie were a cylinder, using his current height as the length, what would be the dimensions?
That is, what is his current volume?
How much enthalpy is required to create a Christie?

The physical chemist's shortcut: the spherical politician.
Only EPA scandal I'm finding that's recent is this:

That guy had some balls, I'll say that.

Edit: oh and the "Richard Windsor" lady. That one doesn't seem too scandalous.

There's also the joint coverup by Bush and Obama to hide a bunch computers and pianos in a 70,000 sqft rental storage units for $750,000 a year. It also had a," gym spanning an
area larger than 30 feet by 45 feet. While
exercising, employees apparently listened to
music and used EPA steno pads to record
all the non-scandals you guys kept trotting out were manufactured nonsense, actually.

nah, Susan Rice was real. Hillary really did tell the father of the deceased that "we will get the person responsible.... for that hateful video" while he was collecting the remains. We really did give guns to the mexican cartel with no methods of tracking causing the deaths of innocent lives. We really did assassinate a US citizen without trial. We really do drone bomb sovereign countries.

There's plenty of enough shit to not have to manufacture anything. Besides, aren't you a Sandra Fluke supporter? Hypocrite much?
nah, Susan Rice was real. Hillary really did tell the father of the deceased that "we will get the person responsible.... for that hateful video" while he was collecting the remains. We really did give guns to the mexican cartel with no methods of tracking causing the deaths of innocent lives. We really did assassinate a US citizen without trial. We really do drone bomb sovereign countries.

There's plenty of enough shit to not have to manufacture anything. Besides, aren't you a Sandra Fluke supporter? Hypocrite much?

like i said, not a single actual scandal. just a lot of made up nonsense from racist shits with hate boners (in other words, idiots like you).

aren't you the idiot with the sandra fluke conspiracy theory?

the only scandal there was also manufactured by idiots like you.

[h=1]OOPS: Evangelical College Discovers It Inadvertently Provided Contraception Coverage[/h] they already offered it, got rid of it, sued about it, lost, and then cried and cried and cried.

keep fighting birth control though, you fucking idiot. it promises to take you a long way electorally.
Pelosi and Fluke studied lists of colleges that did not offer bc pills on their student insurance before she applied there. She purposefully picked a college where she and Pelosi could start their war on women rhetoric. It was idiots like you that not only believed it, but parroted it.

It really must suck to not be able to think for yourself. All you have left is RACIST!!
Pelosi and Fluke studied lists of colleges that did not offer bc pills on their student insurance before she applied there. She purposefully picked a college where she and Pelosi could start their war on women rhetoric. It was idiots like you that not only believed it, but parroted it.

It really must suck to not be able to think for yourself. All you have left is RACIST!!

awwww, what a cute little conspiracy theory from a misogynist douche.
. it promises to take you a long way electorally.

If both sides would quit expanding governmental power, political ploys would be less meaningful. Unfortunately, there are enough low idiots who are cool as long as the correct letter is doing the expanding. You have become a demangelical. You worship at the alter man, hope it works out for ya.
awwww, what a cute little conspiracy theory from a misogynist douche.

I thought this was common knowledge, why do you call it a conspiracy. You will get to vote for Fluke in an election near you soon, hang in there little buckaroo. Her being groomed for politics is surely just coincidence.
seeing as how you were a former member of a white supremacy group, we all know you're just calling him uppity.

I notice you couldn't help your narcissistic imperative to reply. With so many of your posts tainted with misogynistic, homophobic and overly hypersensitive remarks you sure have hate in your heart little man...