Chris Christie Unraveled..

Thanks for that man, I couldn't deal if I spelled a word wrong on a pot forum.

keep pushing your silly little conspiracy theories about birth control. it's not like the party of personal responsibility would ever stand to gain anything from advocating for responsible family planning. sadly, you dumb racist cunts can't give up the baby jesus idiocy.
As an agnostic who believes in personal freedom and has read enough history to know how freedom and advancement has gone hand in hand, I have to say you have lost your ever government loving mind.

have fun watching your party die.

That would be great to have no opposition to your ideas, then we could ALL be Detroit.
I thought this was common knowledge

it may be in whatever retarded, right wing blogs you clearly read and derive your retarded worldview from.

[h=1]Sandra Fluke’s Boyfriend, Adam “Cutie Pants” Mutterperl, And His Radical Socialist Family[/h]
it's a fun read about the jewish socialist conspiracy being pushed by sandra fluke through her boyfriend.

leave it to those intellectual tea party heavyweights.
Thanks for that man, I couldn't deal if I spelled a word wrong on a pot forum.

As an agnostic who believes in personal freedom and has read enough history to know how freedom and advancement has gone hand in hand, I have to say you have lost your ever government loving mind.

That would be great to have no opposition to your ideas, then we could ALL be Detroit.

i found this picture of you from a few decades back.


you're so stupid that you just throw around acronyms without even understanding them.

go get a refund on your GED and buy some more meth, skinhead.

EPA (Envormental Protection Agency) (Now you know buck)

The scandal I was refering to

[SIZE=+1]EPA accused of singling out conservative groups, amid IRS scandal[/SIZE]

It's not just the IRS.
A second federal agency is facing a probe and accusations of political bias over its alleged targeting of conservative groups.
The allegations concern the Environmental Protection Agency, which is being accused of trying to charge conservative groups fees while largely exempting liberal groups. The fees applied to Freedom of Information Act requests -- allegedly, the EPA waived them for liberal groups far more often than it did for conservative ones.
The allegations are under investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is also holding hearings on the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups.
"I don't think it is fair at all. It is not fair to the American taxpayer -- the American taxpayer should expect and demand that the EPA treats everyone equally in regard to these requests," said Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Tim Murphy, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee. "This cannot be tolerated. As we see more federal agencies with this kind of bias, it is and should be a concern for all of us."

but dont forget about the other epa scandals

The EPA gave an ethics award to fake employee, “Richard Windsor,” who was already just an unethically created e-mail alias for the agency’s former head, Lisa P. Jackson.

EPA contractors are basically Gym, Tan, Laundrying in new, swanky rec rooms thanks to your tax money.

The EPA leaked confidential information on farmers and cattle facilities to environmental groups. No bigs.
EPA (Envormental Protection Agency) (Now you know buck)

The scandal I was refering to

[SIZE=+1]EPA accused of singling out conservative groups, amid IRS scandal[/SIZE]

It's not just the IRS.
A second federal agency is facing a probe and accusations of political bias over its alleged targeting of conservative groups.
The allegations concern the Environmental Protection Agency, which is being accused of trying to charge conservative groups fees while largely exempting liberal groups. The fees applied to Freedom of Information Act requests -- allegedly, the EPA waived them for liberal groups far more often than it did for conservative ones.
The allegations are under investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is also holding hearings on the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups.
"I don't think it is fair at all. It is not fair to the American taxpayer -- the American taxpayer should expect and demand that the EPA treats everyone equally in regard to these requests," said Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Tim Murphy, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee. "This cannot be tolerated. As we see more federal agencies with this kind of bias, it is and should be a concern for all of us."

but dont forget about the other epa scandals

The EPA gave an ethics award to fake employee, “Richard Windsor,” who was already just an unethically created e-mail alias for the agency’s former head, Lisa P. Jackson.

EPA contractors are basically Gym, Tan, Laundrying in new, swanky rec rooms thanks to your tax money.

The EPA leaked confidential information on farmers and cattle facilities to environmental groups. No bigs.

you dumb, racist, right wing retards come up with some of the coolest conspiracy theories.
I got nothing, I can't really think for myself, so I'm going to call you racist, it's what I've been taught to do
(edited for accuracy)

I know man, I'm empathetic to your plight. Whatever helps out with that purple thing you keep talking about.
At least I can site a source

That alot more than I can say about your BS

[SIZE=+1]Secret Ancient knowledge exposed - things the illuminati dont want[/SIZE]
NWOTruthChannel ^ | Nov 27 2012
Posted on Sat Jan 11 22:07:59 2014 by restornu
Are you curious about things that have lose ends?
I stumble unto this video and found it amusing and entertaining those places of our minds that hardly ever get wonderment juices flowing...
I have encounter things like this in the pass but somehow they got away from me only to bump into them now and than on my journey through life...
It is more of Coast to Coast stuff...
I did go to a lecture by Zackaria Stichen in NYC in the late 1980's very interesting..
There's also the joint coverup by Bush and Obama to hide a bunch computers and pianos in a 70,000 sqft rental storage units for $750,000 a year. It also had a," gym spanning an
area larger than 30 feet by 45 feet. While
exercising, employees apparently listened to
music and used EPA steno pads to record

Yeah I remember that one now. Had a bachelor pad behind some boxes.