Well-Known Member
Not according to the laws god passed to the Israelites; the command is very simple: If you rape an unengaged woman; you must marry her, never divorce her, and pay a fine. Just like he tells them to forcibly take wives from neighboring people and that it's okay to sell your daughter into sex slavery. There was a time when women were property and baby what? just an fyi. lol but you see, the Bible doesn't say stay with your rapist forever. It is kinda saying if you sleep with someone you will marry them. Rapist were punished in those days with death just like other crimes. Death. and not just death for the offender. Death for the whole family and extended family.
You're trivializing a very serious thing. Seeing as there are people that believe the bible is completely and totally infallible. There's good stuff in the bible too, but one has to accept that it's got a lot of morally reprehensible acts in the OT.