Chronic pipe/bong breaker seeks THICK pipe and bong that i cant break.


Well-Known Member
Hello blowers!

I have a problem..... i live in a place that has 99% tile or HARD floors. Carpet doesnt exist here at all, and i have dropped 5-6 pipes and about 5 bongs in the 2 years i have been here. Ithey fall of my lap, or my cat will knock it of the table and SMASH....lights out for my piece.

Now i realize that you cant make in UNBREAKABLE.... but id liek a good THICK piece that will be hard for a knucklehead liek me to break. I dont even really care if its cool looking and dont require a cool shape....(it would be cool if it was but durability and smoke quality are paramount)

It can be straight clear glass if its cheaper and easier..... just want a good hitting pipe and bong that are rough neck liek me!

anyone interested???
If its make of glass, its going to break if knocked onto a hard surface, period. You need something NOT glass.

Ordinary wood pipe won't break from being dropped onto a hard surface. They actually kind of bounce!

In terms of bongs, just get a bamboo one, and you're good to go. Bamboo is tough as nails, and it takes a pretty good shot to break it.
dang thats not good. i find that the beaker part of the bong is always thinner then the neck.
i almost broke mine today i lapped my phone on to the table about an inch from hittin my inline bong. i was so thankful something happened haha
you should get a bamboo bong or make a chalice those are both kinda rare to be seen but sick
Gravity Bong!!! Go buy one or make one. Alls you needs is a pitcher and a 2 litr.
So easy a caveman could do it!
Here's probably where you failed.......... It's a very common misconception -- thickness of glass. Remember science class? Potential energy? Kinetic energy? Kinetic is motion, potential is the energy it can release. Hold a bong over your head and it has more potential energy than a bong at your hips. Weight, aka thickness of glass, will increase the potential energy and kinetic energy. So, buy that nice thick piece, that way when it hits the floor it will REALLY go smash!

THICKER glass = MORE potential energy = MORE breakage

The headiest pipes made are probably the thinnest. You'd be much better off with a lighter bong, than a heavier and thicker. :)

Good luck!
i somewhat dissagree with research kitty. Thickness matters to a certain point but a 9mm bong dropped will smash just like a 5mm bong if dropped straigt onto tile. Most bongs ive seen broken arent from drops its from bangs on sinks, counters, tables and other tubes. Here kinetics dont matter and thickness is your friend.

Research kitty is right about kinetics though the bigger the harder they fall.

I think that 5mm is perfect for tubes. Its that happy medium of being thick and not overly heavy like 7mm and 9mm. I kinda think that 7mm and 9mm are pretty gimicky when it comes down to it.

Overall it depends most on who made it and how well it was annealed.