Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!


New Member
killer thx - yeah there under 4 ft. fluoros so power's not too much of a worry yet - 24 it is
btw, when you get a chance ditch those tube flouros and get some CFL's. the light is directed much more efficiently. A lot of light is lost with those length tube flouro's.... or even better go HPS,,, but that is not always in everbody's realm.... depratment stores and hardware stores carry 40-50 watt helical cfl bulbs putting out 2500 to 3000 lumens a piece,, and i am sure you can buy them for less than 10 bucks in the states


Well-Known Member
here are more pics to help. Any advice thought or wisdom wud help man. Ty a better camera is coming. Is a plant this slo gonna ever produce i just curious :) any smokable bud



Well-Known Member
I thought he said he had a 400 watt HPS in a 4x4x6.5 room..... why do you have the CFL's there?


Well-Known Member
zoh that is the mini veg cab i wa toying around with that is jsut some of the clones i gto going. the tent is the flower chamber.


New Member
...This is my first grow... I beat this plant basically into being then for more fun i pollinated her with the other plant i had growing.
i dont know if i am not understanding you but you say you purposefully pollinated your first grow? Thats a new one.

...400 watt hps 4x4x6.5 tent temps in mid 80s occasionally climbing higher.
You need to bring that temp down. with a 400 watter in 100 square feet you need a good amount of cooling unless your house is good and cold to begin with.
If you want a DIY for a cooltube I will have to get back to you in the morning... its too late and im too out of it to be giving a DIY, but a cooltube is the best way to keep temps down with a 400 watter. you can put as many fans as you want in there but that will only blow the hot air around. Not to mention the fans motor creates heat. fans are better for air movement to ensure proper CO2 intake.
Mostly ro water.
RO water is great for ph and salt buildup but since it is missing many naturally occuring minerals (as the RO process removes almost all minerals, [7 ppm compared to spring water at close to 300 ppm]) you will need to feed with micronutriens sooner. soil will go for about 2 weeks give or take until it needs some repleneshing.

The buds are pathetic and barely a inch big cola. Big seeds at every bud sight.
This is because the plant is focusing its energy on seed production rather than organ (flower or bud) production. the plant "feels" as if it has acheived its goal by having seeds to reproduce.

I put 2 in veg, and the other 2 straight into 12 and 12.
is it an autoflowering strain? because you might just be wasting your time.

How much longer till the plant is harvest ready u think?
alwats depends brutha,, just a tip though,, dont go by the hairs go by the trichromes (crystals). look at them closely, if they are clear you are nowhere near ready to harvest, milky means you are getting closer and "amber" means they are ready.
another tip. a dying plant will exhibit red, or dried, hairs (stigmas), and this does not mean the plant is ready for harvest. It means it is dying.


Well-Known Member
veg can is 3 26 watt cfls for 2 clones. I plan to expand it. The flower tent pictured is 4x4x6.5 and has 1 big girl and 2 clone who are doing better than that pic now. they are really taking off!


Well-Known Member
ty reps to yu, if this plant is not going to bud i might as well chop it down and get the seeds as soon as i can. I got a conversion bulb i can run for the 400. metal halide. then i can go good and proper! Kinda exciting. It is fun to tend the garden. I can prob go a litltle with out smoke. Also in the pic i show a Euro hood form htg. It is hooked up to a 6 inch duct fan! It does ok.


New Member
oh shit you are right - i have been assuming that when people talk about fluoros they mean the 4 ft. tubes - wow i need to rethink my lighting that's a huge help... huge help
at the very most i would only use those tube flouros as secondary lighting. An example would be running them vertically on a vertical grow with the overhead lights as the primary. If you already have the bulbs there is no harm in using them (other than the +elec bill) just dont use them as your primary source of lighting. they can be helpful by getting some light to areas that would normally receive next to no light or none.


Well-Known Member
Really appreciate the noob thread, I guess someone knows what it's like having your threads lost every 5 mins lol.

Anyways, It's my first time growing... It's a Super Silver Haze clone.

My lighting is currently a 27W Fluroescent lamp, I'm doing this on a low budget and plus i'm doing this in a small apartment room, so yeah.

This pic isn't in my grow room.

About a week and 2 days old. Just wondering if it looks aright for now?



Active Member
This is just some bagseed. I'm still living with the parents so this is a bit risky (they aren't too keen on the ol' drugs) so basically I'm abusing the plant to shit.
Its only got 12/12 light (from morning to night) as I cant getta light on it because the 'rents would catch me. Just sat on my window sill, goes in the wardrobe at night in case my parents open the window in the morning.
Also if it ever gets big enough I'm gonna have to re-pot it into a bigger one.

Your views/opinions? could it ever grow into anything smokeable? if not I still don't think I could bring myself to get rid of it!!



Active Member
I'm wondering what to do about two of my sprouts - I may have planted them in the soil too early. I planted them at a point when the "white worm" part was just barely sticking out, and two days later, I was misting the soil in each cup when the seeds showed up on the surface - they hadn't changed at all.

So for now I took some sterile tweezers and put them back in a moist paper towel in a jar in my cupboard, but will that change anything?

Also, my third seed, which had a good half an inch of root sticking out when I planted into soil, has shown no progress or viewable growth (so no seedling has broken the surface) in the past three days...what am I doing wrong? Going by my moisture meter, it's perfectly moist and not too wet, I mist the soil a bit (maybe 1/2 an oz to 1oz) every other day, the cups have holes so the water drains well, I pH balance the water to a perfect 6.5-6.8, making sure they are out in an open container for a day or two before I use, and I give my plants 18 hours of light (12 hours in the Sunlight, 6 hours under 3 23w CFL lights)...

Is there something missing from the picture? I even added some saran wrap over the top to make the inside of the cup more humid. About how long does the seedling take to break the surface? The waiting is absolutely the worst part, because I don't know if I screwed up or it's just a late bloomer.


New Member
Really appreciate the noob thread, I guess someone knows what it's like having your threads lost every 5 mins lol.

Anyways, It's my first time growing... It's a Super Silver Haze clone.

My lighting is currently a 27W Fluroescent lamp, I'm doing this on a low budget and plus i'm doing this in a small apartment room, so yeah.

This pic isn't in my grow room.

About a week and 2 days old. Just wondering if it looks aright for now?
More light. if you have to go CFL's and you have to go cheap you can buy 40-50watt bulbs for 10 bucks or so at those evil big box stores like lowes and wal-mart

and get a pot with better drainage
i would say start over but you could just stick it in a window or under a lamp and watch it for kicks... but you aint gonna get shit off that unless you give it more light.

you may want to do some reading because there is a lot more to know than "Plant, Grow"

so to start off more light, and a better pot.


New Member
I'm still living with the parents so this is a bit risky (they aren't too keen on the ol' drugs) so basically I'm abusing the plant to shit.
here is some advice, dont grow in your parents house unles they are down.

have some fucking respect


New Member
I'm wondering what to do about two of my sprouts - I may have planted them in the soil too early. I planted them at a point when the "white worm" part was just barely sticking out, and two days later, I was misting the soil in each cup when the seeds showed up on the surface - they hadn't changed at all.
"just barely sticking out" how much is that?
A general rule of thumb is 1/4 inch sprout then plant

So for now I took some sterile tweezers and put them back in a moist paper towel in a jar in my cupboard, but will that change anything?
they could have died.. its hard to say,, give it a few days and if nothing happens they are toast.

Also, my third seed, which had a good half an inch of root sticking out when I planted into soil, has shown no progress or viewable growth (so no seedling has broken the surface)
Half inch is twice the recommended plant time but i have had ones about that size and have had them successful, so something must be wrong. I cannot pinpoint what is wrong because i dont know what you know.

in the past three days
have patience, rome wasnt built in a day... or three days :)

How far did you bury the seed?


Well-Known Member
More light. if you have to go CFL's and you have to go cheap you can buy 40-50watt bulbs for 10 bucks or so at those evil big box stores like lowes and wal-mart

and get a pot with better drainage
i would say start over but you could just stick it in a window or under a lamp and watch it for kicks... but you aint gonna get shit off that unless you give it more light.

you may want to do some reading because there is a lot more to know than "Plant, Grow"

so to start off more light, and a better pot.

Well I got a 60W Incandescent lying around, I could add that too.
Or just go and get a stronger Fluorescent.

Anyways, and i guess you need to realize that it's my first grow... and this is how you learn..

When you say aint gonna get shit off... how bad are we talking here... and is that just cuz of the light?...

And the pot has drainage holes.


Well-Known Member
exact same way you would with a female. Or any marijuana foliage for that matter.

pretty much all parts of any marijuana part (male, female, hermie) can be used to make hash because they contain cannabinoids. The reason why we smoke buds instead of leaves and stems is because the plant grows more trichromes (what gets you high) per area of foliage on the female reproductive organs (pistils) to protect the plants way of continuing its life cycle.

The only two parts of a plant that are useless in hash making is seeds and stems over 1/16 of an inch thick. These parts have very negligibly amount of thc and are useless.

hope this helps!

making hashish out of male plants is RIDICULOUS!!!!!! lol, u made my day