Cig Quitters

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
done spliffs for yrs, but i onli sprinkle a -tiny- amt tobacco per a joint and a pack will last MORE than a month w no withdrawal when i stop.


Well-Known Member
caught this to late, can I still quit with ya'll?

Who here has actually stuck to what they said, anyone still of cig's? (that quit after seeing this thread?)


Nothing really new to contribute to this convo, I'm yet another who has "quit" using the vaping method. I would have done it sooner, but always thought, after researching many vaping forums, that vaping was complicated (in the amount of products, modding, etc). I ended up getting a basic ARO eGo set and couldn't be happier. I mean- quitting was waayyy too easy. It might be nicotine replacement instead of cold turkey, but it's basically like having your cake and eating it too. Plus, even though mods and things might be better than my kit, I feel my setup is plenty good for my needs. After all, my motivation was to save money, not to redistibute that saved money into a new hobby. You should be able to get two batteries, tanks, and charger setup for about $50. Then just find a few juices to enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Smoke free since 10-15-14.... when the daughter was born... Really miss my smokes... I didnt smoke much, but was, and am, a strong advocate for smoking, and smokers. I feel all the hatred and discrimination that used to be pointed at race, or sexual preference, has been pointed at smokers. Segregation is NOT ok.... unless its to smokers. Business owners can decide for themselves what service to offer, and to whom.... unless its smokers. I see these commercials on TV saying 'We can be the generation that ends smoking.' I find that so offensive its sickening... I don't WANT to be part of the generation that ends freedom. No actual scientific study has turned up jack that says secondhand smoke is 25% as dangerous as they claimed for the last few years. Smoking has been all but outlawed because it smells bad, and because smokers did not stand up for their rights when they got stripped away... Someone said smoking was dangerous, poisonous, and causes deaths......

The precedent we have set against smoking, will be the downfall of alcohol... Every excuse they actually claimed, every lie they said... can be copy/pasted for alcohol, and with even more deaths and facts and proof to back it up...

I full expect to be smoking again within a year, as soon as I feel my daughters health won't be at risk from the characteristics of infant respiratory systems... I enjoy my 3-4 smokes a day. I enjoy the freedom of being able to toxify my own body at will. If I hand over that right, how will I ever get it back...


And worse yet if you do decide to quit, like the government wants you to, they don't want you to use ecgis or any other non-pharm method that doesn't cost hundreds a month or need a psychologist to deal with the side effects.

"We want you to quit, but we don't want you to... 'quit'".


Well-Known Member
Keep going brother, I'm just over 3 weeks without after a heavy 24 year habit, e-cig, vaporizer and a fuck you attitude to tabacco. My Mrs is still smoking and I find the smell offensive now, I keep kicking her out the house when she lights up lol but she's coming round to giving up..
Nearly 6 months since I gave up, no problem staying away from the tabacco either...hope all you other guys are doing just as well