Cigarette's or Weed? which is worse for the lungs??

I have been turning the majority of my weed into bho which I vape off a TI pad. After a week or two of only vaping oil I can't really stand to go back to regular smoking, it makes me cough a lot more and isn't as fun as heating that ti!
" Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. In 2009, 16.7 million Americans ages 12 and older reported using marijuana at least once in the month prior to being surveyed. In addition, since 1996, 16 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized the medical use of marijuana to help manage the symptoms of many diseases, including cancer, AIDS and glaucoma."With marijuana use increasing and large numbers of people who have been and continue to be exposed, knowing whether it causes lasting damage to lung function is important for public-health messaging and medical use of marijuana," says the study's senior author, University of Alabama at Birmingham associate professor Stefan Kertesz, M.D.Kertesz, of the UAB Division of Preventive Medicine and the Center for Surgical, Medical and Acute Care Research and Transitions at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Birmingham, says it's long been known that marijuana smoke has many irritant chemicals found in tobacco smoke and can cause lung irritation, wheezing and cough immediately after use; however, the research on long-term effects on lung function have inconsistencies.Using a large national database, the research team compared the lung function of marijuana and tobacco smokers during a 20-year period. The data revealed that tobacco smoke had exactly the effect shown in all prior studies -- increasing a person's cumulative exposure to cigarettes results in loss of air flow and lung volumes; the opposite was true for marijuana smoke."At levels of marijuana exposure commonly seen in Americans, occasional marijuana use was associated with increases in lung air flow rates and increases in lung capacity," Kertesz says. "Those increases were not large, but they were statistically significant. And the data showed that even up to moderately high-use levels -- one joint a day for seven years -- there is no evidence of decreased air-flow rates or lung volumes."Kertesz cautions that smoking marijuana is not an avenue to better lung health."It's not enough of an increase that would make you feel better," he says "Healthy adults can blow out 3 to 4 liters of air in one second. The amount of gain, on average, from marijuana is small, 50 ccs or roughly a fifth of a can of coke. So it's not something that would be noticeable."Also, Kertesz says, the increase does not hold steadfast over time."The relationship changes for people who get to high levels of lifetime exposure," he says. "At that point, the data suggests there is a decline in lung air-flow rate. There also may be other damaging effects that don't manifest until extremely high levels of exposure; we did not have enough very heavy marijuana smokers in this study to determine this."To perform their analysis, Kertesz and a research team from other universities looked at data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study. CARDIA, funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, is a long-term research project involving more than 5,000 black and white men and women from Birmingham, Chicago, Minneapolis and Oakland, designed to examine the development and determinants of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. Participants were recruited when they were ages 18-30 and followed from 1985 to 2006.The researchers looked closely at the reported use of both marijuana and tobacco and asked participants repeatedly during years of follow-up about their use of these substances. Marijuana and tobacco use were both commonly reported -- 37 percent said they used marijuana at some point during the study. This is similar, the researchers say, to what many Americans have said in other national surveys.As part of the CARDIA protocol, participants' lung function was measured for air flow and lung volume at years 0, 2, 5, 10 and 20 using standard pulmonary function tests. The air flow measure is the amount of air you can blow out of your lungs in one second after taking the deepest breath possible. The volume measure is the total amount of air you can blow out after taking the deepest breath possible.Lead author, Mark J. Pletcher, M.D., of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, who led the statistical analysis, says what sets this study apart from any others is both the number of participants and duration of the study."This is not the first study to show that marijuana has a complicated relationship with lung function. However, the size of the study and the long duration of follow-up help us to paint a clearer picture of the ways in which the relationship changes over time," he says.As a final note, Kertesz clarified that the study did not examine other ways in which smoking marijuana could affect a person's health and insisted this study does not advocate the use of marijuana."Marijuana is still an illegal drug, and it has many complicated effects on the human body and its function," he says. "In our findings we see hints of harm in pulmonary function with heavy use, and other studies have shown that marijuana use increases a user's likelihood of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association, and impairs the immune system's ability to fight disease, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse."The study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Heart Lung Blood Institute.Study co-authors include Eric Vittinghoff, Ph.D. and Feng Lin, M.S., Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco; Ravi Kalhan, M.D., M.S., Asthma-COPD Program, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Joshua Richman, M.D., Ph.D., UAB Department of Surgery and Center for Surgical, Medical and Acute Care Research and Transitions, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham; Monika Safford, M.D., UAB Division of Preventive Medicine; and Stephen Sidney, M.D., Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, Oakland, Calif."
This is just speculation on my part, but cigs are definitely worse. I've never had weed clog my lungs to a point where I can't breathe 8 hours after smoking. Hell, I use weed to "un-clog" my lungs.
I compete locally in marathons, biathlons, mountain biking competitions and triathlons. I haven't seen any noticeable decrease in my stamina or lung capacity. Most of the time I vape but I break out the pipe on occasion.

I only compete with myself, but the cardio is my method of cleaning mostly pollution from my lungs. THC was once sold in liquid form as a treatment for asthma, as I'm sure you know it's a natural expectorant. Funny how most people think it's the smoke that makes you cough, when it's actually your alveoli expanding from THC.
The term blunt denotes to smoking weed sin tobacco, not necessarily using 'blunt' tobacco leaves. In this case smoked with paper only!!! Terminology can be confusing !!!

where on earth are you from that a blunt doesn't mean smoking a blunt?? or what's popular now, blunt wraps, but still the same principle, a tobacco leaf..
i've never heard of smoking a blunt meaning anything other then smoking a blunt.. :D

and the term blunt comes from philly, a phillies blunt, ie, a shit cigar wrapped in shit tobacco leaf, dumping out the baccy to be replaced with weed and rolled back up in the leaf..
but back to the op.. i think cigs are way worse for the lungs than weed.. look at the paper cigs are rolled in.. see all those funny looking lines that go around a cig?? those are chemicals applied to the papers to make the cigs burn straight, ie, not boat, like you get with a hand rolled joint..

plus i know in my state at least that they're no applying chemicals to exstingish smokes after so long.. i have no clue what these new chems are, but i hate them as my smoke now goes out around 2xs per cig if i'm not constantly puffing on it, and usually once if i am.. :( you can see the letters fsc now on the pack of cigs by the barcode denoting the new fire safe cigs..

plus no one has mentioned the fact that most cig smokers tend to smoke about a pack a day, or 20 plus cigs a day, when the average pot smoker surely doesn't smoke any where near 20 plus joints in a day.. i'm sure there are a few, but for the most part i'd say weed smokers smoke much less weed than baccy smokers..
where on earth are you from that a blunt doesn't mean smoking a blunt?? or what's popular now, blunt wraps, but still the same principle, a tobacco leaf..
i've never heard of smoking a blunt meaning anything other then smoking a blunt.. :D

and the term blunt comes from philly, a phillies blunt, ie, a shit cigar wrapped in shit tobacco leaf, dumping out the baccy to be replaced with weed and rolled back up in the leaf..
I re-wrap mine as well and found that after grinding my herb i can tightly pack between 2.7-3.2 grams in em. Also like the flavored wraps from ZigZag brand. mmm mmm mmm Delicioso
Come on now Racer, haven't you heard that hitting a joint is just 2012 lingo for taking bong hits. Stop living in the 90s man.
on my discovery news app i just read that its been proven smokign weed for long amounts of time, doesnt effect your lungs
just googling about the effect of marijuana on the lungs..

"healthy men who have smoked the equivalent of one joint daily for seven years have a lung capacity that is 1.6 percent higher than that of otherwise healthy non-marijuana-smoking men"

"If you smoke marijuana, you’re inhaling 20 times as much ammonia as you would inhale by smoking the same amount of tobacco"
(sounds like BS to me)

People who smoke marijuana three times a week are about half as likely as non-marijuana smokers to be obese.

(I know this one isn't about the lungs as you wanted this conversation to stay on topic,but I had to post this,Just because it gives you the munchies,your gonna get fat?How about stop eating Mcdonalads every day.... Bullshit.)

I am still doing research on this topic, it is one that is very interesting to me, I was a tobacco smoker for almost 9 years and I quit about 70-80 days ago using good ol' mary jane.
LMAO I hear ya. Yer prolly not gonna stay thin with yer head stuck in the fridge all the time.
Cigarettes are way worse for your entire body than weed. If I don't smoke a cigarette for a long period of time, when I light one up I fucks me all up. Makes me light headed, tired, and nauseous. If I smoke a lot throughout the day, my chest hurts and I generally feel like shit at the end of the day. I cut down a lot on smoking the last few years and only smoke between 2-5 cigarettes a day now. Cigs are BAD. I couldn't smoke enough weed in a day to make me feel like that.
This is the main reason I started this thread. I too just recently quit smoking cigs (18 lonnnnggggg days ago to be exact) I just quit "cold turkey" put my last one out and never lit up again. However I have found myself smoking more weed I guess to compensate. I just wanted to know if quitting the cigs is better even though I smoke more bud now. I know one thing for sure.. I sure do feel a hell of a lot better. Not hacking and coughing for 10 min when I wake up in the morning.
This is the main reason I started this thread. I too just recently quit smoking cigs (18 lonnnnggggg days ago to be exact) I just quit "cold turkey" put my last one out and never lit up again. However I have found myself smoking more weed I guess to compensate. I just wanted to know if quitting the cigs is better even though I smoke more bud now. I know one thing for sure.. I sure do feel a hell of a lot better. Not hacking and coughing for 10 min when I wake up in the morning.

Congrats broham,keep your head strong and you'll be fine, the first two weeks after I quit smoking tobacco I used the "E-cigs" After that straight MJ. Like you said, It's nice waking up and not coughing up green shit every morning. Good luck.
I was watching some discovery the other day. Did you know dinosaurs are extinct?
Nobody ever told me that before, I thought they were in Africa and Asia.

I hope your joking. lol have you been living under a rock your whole life in fear of a giant t-rex that can swallow you whole. lol
Cigarettes or Weed ? Which is worse for your lungs?
Well this question has been asked over and over again. Just do a quick Google search on it and you will see what I mean.
And there seems to be just as many opinions. However it is very hard to find an unbiased opinion on the matter. Many people who do not use Marijuana, feel that since Tobacco is legal and Marijuana is not, then obviously Marijuana is worse for you,because if it werent then it would be legal. (Yes, I have read statements such as this before.)
Then on the other hand you have the users stating that cigarette smoke is however many times worse for you because of all the chemicals in it, namely Tar and Nicotine. With no one really having any sources for their info.
People also tend to get off topic and start rambling about all kinds of stuff, I am only interested about the effects on the lungs.

I saw one post that caught my eye, It read "This is the stupidest topic ever. Why not just ask which is worse for you, eating rat poison or drinking bleach?"

Well this is a perfect example of "blind opinion". This person obviously does not use either one, so their "opinion" means absolute squat to me. What I am trying to ascertain from this is, which one is worse for the lungs? We already know that neither of them are "good".
We also know that neither cigarettes nor Marijuana will kill you as quickly as drinking bleach or eating rat poison, so lets keep the comments as "intelligent" and on topic as possible.

So, of course anyone can chime in with their "opinion", but if you have some good resources to back your arguments then that would be great. I myself am going to go looking for info on the matter and see what I can dig up. Maybe together we can solve this mystery, or at the very least come up with multiple "opinions" and be no further than we are right now.
Hope to here from Y'all .
I think filtered or non-filtered also has a lot to do with the answers you get :)
Personally, I think cigs., but I smoke filtered. (menthol, which somebody once told me 'if you smoke menthol, then smoke weed, it makes your lungs drip blood') LOL
i can tell there is sume kind of damage done
smokin since 1965 here cillia not as respondent
sumtimes bing up big clumps of flem

maybe that means they are workin fine dont know
sumtimes i caugh or sneeze an flying phlem -duck

but lungs feel beat up used like an old whore
Also affects the spelling LOL
where on earth are you from that a blunt doesn't mean smoking a blunt?? or what's popular now, blunt wraps, but still the same principle, a tobacco leaf..
i've never heard of smoking a blunt meaning anything other then smoking a blunt.. :D

and the term blunt comes from philly, a phillies blunt, ie, a shit cigar wrapped in shit tobacco leaf, dumping out the baccy to be replaced with weed and rolled back up in the leaf..
Me too, I've only heard 'Blunt' referring to as you said, and only by those who also smoke 'Chocolate Phillies'