Cigarette's or Weed? which is worse for the lungs??

I quit smoking cigs almost 4 years ago, now...I went from smoking 30 or so cigs a day to quitting cold turkey. When I still smoked cigs, I would get a chest infection once a year, like chronic bronchitis...Since quitting, I don't remember being sick in the past 4 years...Sure, maybe a scratchy throat once or twice, but nothing tike before when I would smoke cigs. I've also stopped coughing up phlegm in the mornings, and can also breathe when I wake up, as opposed to fighting to expand my lung capacity after several hours at rest. Previously, I would wake up with a tight chest, and if I breathed too deep early in the morning, it would send me into a coughing fit...Now I'm able to literally roll out of bed, put pants on, and go for a grueling uphill hike in the mountains within minutes of getting out of bed, where as that would have been impossible smoking 30 cigs a day.

I also increased the amount of weed I smoke after I quit cigs...CONSIDERABLY. I'm not saying I smoke 30 joints a day, but I definately get high in the morning and maintain throughout the day until I go to sleep. I DO feel that if I stopped smoking, and just made edibles, my lungs would be even stronger...And I recognize the fact that smoking ANYTHING is bad for the lungs, but it seems blatantly obvious that cigs, with their hundreds of unnatural additives, would be FAR worse for you than weed.