cinnamyladine-bislysergimide ("LSC", "Cinnamon girl") easy kitchen tech

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
Legal disclaimer: LSA and morning glory seeds are neither illegal to possess nor consume in my state, which is an area where these sacraments were traditionally used. Lysergamide adducts are not controlled substances, and my state has very lenient laws regarding "manufacturing" entheogens (Judicial precedent-- David Pratt V Alamogordo 2005)
Ipomea Tricolor seeds contain a mix of (psychonaut nomenclature) LSH, LSA, and Penniclavine, an ergotamine that greatly enhances stimulatory and euphoric effects of lysergimides)
Ipomea Purpea seeds are said to contain no psychoactive lysergamides, but many people report otherwise, including myself. I learned that in 1984!
Theory: Under near freezing temperatures, LSA will combine with various aldehydes to form new compounds. Isovaleraldehyde, found in reactive concentrations in peppermint oil, turns LSA to LSH, which is considered to be subjectively identical to ALD-52 a highly lauded variant of LSD known as "Orange Sunshine." This lysergamide is the only one where you don't want to use older seeds. Older seeds have almost no LSH, but since you're reverting LSA to LSH. LSH will not react with Cinnamaldehyde, so you want MORE LSA in your starting material, unless your goal is to make LSH. note: freshly harvested seeds only need a cold water extraction to work, there is already the optimal ratio of LSH / LSA /Penneclavine.
To sum up the key conditions: 1. extract of LSA in near freezing water, pH4. shaken hard for about ten minute. I additionally believe alcohol is needed to carry the essential oils (which contain the aldehydes) into water. Lemon juice is often preffered since it additionally contains a small amount of isovaleraldehyde, but I prefer DL-tartaric acid because of this found information: "the D-racemer of tartaric acid forms the most stable salts of lysergamides"
what you need

red light bulb
distilled water
coffee grinder
good filter (wire coffee filter recommended)
practice and apropriate vessels for carefully decanting a layer of liquid without getting sediment in your stage 2 product
black tape or other means to make your vessel opaque to light
pH paper or follow ratios given.
ipomea tricolor seeds in given quantities.
My experiments to date:
1. pure peppermint oil to LSH-- 2 fails
2. peppemint leaves in everclear-- 1 fail
3. freshly ground cumin seeds in everclear-- 2 fails
4. pure cinnamon bark oil (not leaf) -- 1 fail
5. fresh ground stick of cinnamon soaked in everclear-- 1 partial success (first attempt to make ANY lysergimide!) 1 success.
the perportions:
one tablespoon seeds= 500 seeds use this only for LSH!
1/2 tablespoon = 250 seeds, LSC is much more potent than LSA so you want to use half or almost half (I used 2 teaspoons of seeds to be sure it would work)
Distilled water 80 ml
Everclear 20 ml
DL tartaric acid 1/8th teaspoon
1 cinnamon stick, ground
stage 1 product:
extraction of Lysergimides from bad ergotimides and cyanogenic seed glycosides (the shit that it make you sick) ultraviolet light and chlorine destroy lysergamides, so we keep the seeds in the dark as much as possible. red light bulb is very usefull for grinding and combining phase, as well as the decanting phase.
grind seeds in coffee grinder using four ten second grinds shaking grinder while pausing to shake the ground seeds. you don't want to expose your seeds to heat by running the grinder too long.
combine all ingredents except for your cinnamon bark, (which should be soaked in an additional 20 ml everclear for an hour and chilled) and place in the refridgerator. I also had the distilled water in the freezer and just icing over ahead of time to assure everything was cold on combination.
Periodically shake this mixture a few times for about five minutes, returning it to the fridge each time.
filter this with a coffee fliter and return to refridgerator for an hour to allow sediment to settle on the bottom. Decant. This is your stage 1 product: LSA extract
Stage 2 product, cinnamyledine-bislyergamide: when your LSA extract is as cold as it can possibly be add your cinnamon bark, solids and all to the vessel and shake vigorously for 10 minutes. Filter and serve.
untested! product stability...
LSH will remain stable if kept in darkness cold, but will rapidly degrade at room temperature. cuminaldehyde adduct? there is no information on its stability.
LSC will remain stable until heated to nearly 400 degrees celcius. however, other people reporting success all say they consume this immeadiately after concocting this cocktail/potion so the veracity of this compound's stability is untested by me personally.
and now, the trip report:
partial success:
this was actually my very first attempt to put into practice what I had been studying. found sources indicated that this should work without alcohol, so I only used the 20 ml that were needed for the cinnamon bark extraction, attempting pure cold acidic water for the extraction. When filtering this proved nearly impossible I recalled another found source: "do not use water only! without alcohol this can form an emulsion that can not be filtered and will make you sick."
I added a tablespoon of everclear and shook this and let it settle. The emulsion did not separate, but there was a clearer ethanol layer on top, so I decanted this with an eye dropper and consumed it. This was only about an ounce of liquid from about 300 ml-- so 1/10 the total volume of the mixture.
I began to feel a trip coming on in about 5 minutes. It very much resembled my best seed eating experience without the nausea, and was building into something better. This effect included flat surfaces breathing for visuals and intense physical euphoria. However at 30 minutes in the peak rapidly subsided and some side effects from unwanted ergotamines set in... including intense local muscle spasms, and tingling and numbness in my extremities (ergotism! I was in danger of suffering "frostbite"!)
surprisingly when I used the cinnamon bark oil, it failed, but rememberig my partial success I decided to use the same method (described above) with cinnamon bark extract-- ice cold from hours in the freezer (everclear will remain liquid when frozen at household temperatures).
One of the debates from found sources is whether cinnamon bark oil really forms a novel compound or whether it just creates a proprietory blend that alters the effects of LSA. I am here right now to put this notion at rest! As others who have made this stuff say-- it is a completely different experience from taking morning glory seeds.
As reported by others, the onset is rapid and the peak occurs within 30 minutes. I was talking to my wife on the phone when it came on and excited said: "I think I can feel it coming on!" by 15 minutes it was strong and I was sure. At 30 it was peak. Visuals were warping, and wall breathing, as well as color enhancement and an overall impression of beauty and oneness in all things, but the visuals were very slight. Euphoria was profound, and at first felt very much like acid, that wonderful shift in consciousness and sense of peace, harmony, and acceptance of the universe , a telepathic connection to the consciousness that is within each being. However, the profound entheogenic effect was siderailed by the euphoria! I experience zero side effects, this was a VERY clean experience. Felt like I was on some wonderful party drug. Wanted to be at a rave. My intention was to have a deeply meaningful trip and study the Tao te Ching while tripping in order to better integrate inner peace in my life. Instead I found myself wondering if this is what "candy flipping" is like. Very powerful enactogen, very powerful empathogen. Right away I wished I was with my wife, as this was the most prosexual of compounds, on a par with pure molly or 4-ho-mipt which is was my first encounter with "like exstacy, but better!" compounds. By the way-- very strong rolling sensations in my stomach. Pleasure, beauty, and excitement from everything! After about two hours the psychedelic effects decreased (a much longer peak than reported by others!) and the stimulatory effects brightened. I have never been too fond of amphetamine. This felt like what I WISHED amphetamine felt like when I first tried it. I was blown away. I was seeking a shortcut to enlightenment. I wound up with a party drug like no other I have ever tried.
I got my brother (spiritual brother) to video tape me dancing on my phone because I like to play with a wooden snake when I trip. I really believe if I experience trip-wonderland that thing can become conscious, so I did a snake dance for my wife. I will include a link here, but don't watch if male sexuality offends you, because I really wanted to be with my wife so a couple times the snake became my DONG and I made a few O-faces, knowing it would turn her on to see. Other than that it's just a silly trip video, but it can convey some of my enthusiasm and excitement while I tripped balls on this wonnerfle stuff!
The whole experience was 5 or 6 hours of very clean, very euphoric and slightly enlightening fun!
snake dance on cinnamylidine-bislysergimide

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Sounds more akin to lsa than lsd or ald52 in effects also for what its worth there more stable than we maybe originally thought the guys at lizard labs when they used to be uk based had a bit of 1plsd chrystal lying out at room temps /exposed to light etc for over a year then tested it the potency drop was negligible so at least some lygersamides are more stable than we first theorized
Sounds more akin to lsa than lsd or ald52 in effects also for what its worth there more stable than we maybe originally thought the guys at lizard labs when they used to be uk based had a bit of 1plsd chrystal lying out at room temps /exposed to light etc for over a year then tested it the potency drop was negligible so at least some lygersamides are more stable than we first theorized
Like LSA, how?
LSA comes on 1-2 hours after ingestion and does nothing besides:
lethargy, sedation, nausea, mildly acidlike changes in thinking.
This stuff was much more like Molly. Better. Maybe you had fresh seeds and thus more LSH? Morning glory seeds, when they're old and most of the LSH is converted to LSA are the same "yucky, but hey, I'm kinda tripping" feeling I get from Baby Hawaian Woodrose seeds, except woodrose has an ergotamine that causes acute leg pain due to contraction of the hamstring.
LSA is the least euphoric and psychedelic lysergimide, this was considerably more psychedelic and vastly more euphoric.
Sounds more akin to lsa than lsd or ald52 in effects also for what its worth there more stable than we maybe originally thought the guys at lizard labs when they used to be uk based had a bit of 1plsd chrystal lying out at room temps /exposed to light etc for over a year then tested it the potency drop was negligible so at least some lygersamides are more stable than we first theorized
the one which didn't work for me, peppermint oil? isovaleraldehyde? THAT is reported to be subjectively identical to ALD-52 to a person on the shroomery who claims to have had both.
the one which didn't work for me, peppermint oil? isovaleraldehyde? THAT is reported to be subjectively identical to ALD-52 to a person on the shroomery who claims to have had both.
Ald52 and a bunch of others are still around and available its some good shit and yeah maybe that one is less stable than others then and i agree i dont rate lsa and its side effects either i much prefer lsd 1p or ald52 or even shrooms over lsa
RCs are too hard to get right now and I'm really going for more of a natural and spiritual feel. Last time I tried you couldn't bullshit past the screening process. I like this cause it's cheap. All my money I send to my wife and kids right now. She's really struggling and the kids deserve all the help they can get.
RCs are too hard to get right now and I'm really going for more of a natural and spiritual feel. Last time I tried you couldn't bullshit past the screening process. I like this cause it's cheap. All my money I send to my wife and kids right now. She's really struggling and the kids deserve all the help they can get.
Fair doos where im at Holland and a few other places aint so far so its easier to source them here even tho my country has banned them all in a catch all type of thing its bs but it is what it is sorry to hear your struggling hopefully you and yours are in a better position soon mate
RCs are too hard to get right now and I'm really going for more of a natural and spiritual feel. Last time I tried you couldn't bullshit past the screening process. I like this cause it's cheap. All my money I send to my wife and kids right now. She's really struggling and the kids deserve all the help they can get.

There have to be other ways dude. What sort of experience are you looking for?
There have to be other ways dude. What sort of experience are you looking for?
there are lots of other ways, I just happen to want this to work. I want the LSH experience, said to be subjectively the same as ALD-52. I want a powerful spiritual experience as a catalist to changing things about myself that must change in order for me to be reunited with my family again.
there are lots of other ways, I just happen to want this to work. I want the LSH experience, said to be subjectively the same as ALD-52. I want a powerful spiritual experience as a catalist to changing things about myself that must change in order for me to be reunited with my family again.
Dmt is easier, frankly.
I mean because there's a shit ton of Carizo grass where I live. Always gotta be on the cheap! a DJ gave away a trance album called kykeon and bundled it with tons of psychedelic literature including DMT extraction (7 hour process!) and every Terrence McKenna lecture there is, practically. That DJ dude is awesome! Erox-c or something, it's been decade ago.
Ipomea Tricolor seeds contain a mix of (psychonaut nomenclature) LSH, LSA, and Penniclavine, an ergotamine that greatly enhances stimulatory and euphoric effects of lysergimides)
Just remember to get organic seeds, if buying from most nursery suppliers (non organic) the seeds have been treated with a toxic fungicide.