Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 29.6%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 38 25.0%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 69 45.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Not climate, but weird weather. Last week I drove through a bunch of snow and then it was sunny and nice when I got to the north side of the city. Today, me in the south part of town had some rain, up on the north side of the city they had some wall of death looking thing.

I experienced that weird wall of weather when we visited before moving here. Left early in the morning and it was kind of bad out, sun came up and I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a crazy wall of clouds. Drove very fast to get away.


Well-Known Member
Were you not alive in the 80s??

We ARE the World. We are the Children. We are the ones, that make a brighter day etc etc, cmon man ;) :lol: lol jk!
Mankind/Womenkind/Trans/Queer/Gaykind also, are mere bugs In the Galactic scheme ( real insects with undoubtedly survive the cataclysmic events that will continue to befall us until we're all fucking dead :( )
This is our fate
Thanks Bush/Manchin/Trump & all the other Republicans and I mean ALL because they all have voted against bills that address climate change, fucking assholes that they are.
Nay I say, we are not children of this Planet, we are interlopers that are about to get the fuck kicked off.
That is a reality.

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Well-Known Member
I still have to keep clocking into work every gawddamn day. . ..
Don't you realize that your about die, probably from a tornado/ hurricane/floods/heat/cold/Covid/Delta/Omnicom/starvation and/or dehydration?
Punching in when you life is terminal?
What the fuck is that about?
Let your old lady work and........



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

. . . . . . . . . . . considering the flight of Blacks to the North in reconstruction. . . . . . . . . . . .
Actually most blacks stayed in the south during reconstruction. Jim Crow laws started popping up when reconstruction ended in the 1880's, and that is when blacks went north for work and a chance to vote.


Well-Known Member
Right wing shitheads spreading north
Let'em come
Not everyone that lives in the North is a snowflake.
I'm a Socialist/ almost an Anarchist/Commie/Gay & animal loving/pot smoking/acid dropping gun nut that would love to test some of my many weapons on some Southern Republican/Bible thumping/toothless,/redneck cracker and introduce some of my little friends, one being a 12 guage no barrel pump which at 50 yds is pretty effective and will also go thru a door like shit thru a goose, just feed it some XXX buck shot


and my favorite


.50 cal/650 grain AP rounds effective range 1500 meters for the far away ones (takes off legs/arms/heads & is very effetive)

And for the merely wounded it's only right for me to use this Desert Eagle .44 mag to dispatch them and ease/eliminate their pain & suffering.


They should remember not all Dems hate the 2nd

I love it :)


Well-Known Member

M249 SAW Paintball machine gun. Further proof American industry cares less than a shit about actual vets



Well-Known Member
Further proof America caes less than a shit about actual vets
Last time they gave a fuck was WW2 & thats just because 3/4 of the country was involved one way or the other.

Fuck your Yellow ribbons, how about the homeless situation amongst vets.

Homeless Veterans Statistics 2021 | Policy Advice

According to estimates, over 40,000 veterans are homeless on any given night in the good old USA.

Wave the flag all you boys & girls!!!!!
Die for that flag, we'll save a space for you in Arlington, but not a home here.


Well-Known Member
Last time they gave a fuck was WW2 & thats just because 3/4 of the country was involved one way or the other.

Fuck your Yellow ribbons, how about the homeless situation amongst vets.

Homeless Veterans Statistics 2021 | Policy Advice

According to estimates, over 40,000 veterans are homeless on any given night in the good old USA.

Wave the flag all you boys & girls!!!!!
Die for that flag, we'll save a space for you in Arlington, but not a home here.
As the number of minorities in the military increased and the military is a liberal socially progressive organization, it has lost a lot of respect in some right wing quarters. Most of the militia are military wannabes who couldn't make the grade or take orders from a black female sergeant who could kick their ass. That's why real respect for the military went down among republicans, besides the fact that they are the dregs and scum of humanity. As for veterans, well black and brown folks might get some and they couldn't have that, better nobody get anything! It was the same for the GI bill after WW2, if it didn't exclude black veterans, it never would have passed, that was the old fashioned compromise.


Well-Known Member
And that fucker Manchin sides with/is bought off by the fossil fuel industry, becoming the driving force behind gutting the Clean Air initiatives in the BBB Bill.

Read this NOW before it goes away.
U.S. holds oil and gas lease sale in Gulf of Mexico after COP26 (
I don't believe this
I really fucking don't
How can we be so dumb/selfish/insane to allow this to happen




The Earth will saying Adios motherfuckers & good riddance :)

Yup, that's all folks

And that prick with millions in coal doesn't give a fuck it seems if he will be personally responsible for fucking ADVANCING pollution/carbon/gases in the US & by association, Earth.

And what/why the fuck are we opening up & selling leases for the development of MORE fucking oil wells?
I thought is was mandatory that by 2050 no combustion engines of any type were allowed/all electric.

I'm telling ya, sometimes, like now, I feel like that bad trip I had in '73 is still running in my head and this all a fucking dream
Yes a Nightmare, but none the less, a dream
It's just bad acid

So, here we are with this one asshole from that motherfucking ( I mean that literally & throw some other relatives in the mix), piece of shit state that is close to the bottom of every scale such as Education/Health & Poverty taken in this country and are too fucking stupid to get the fuck away from the Hell they call home.
I hope they all fucking die from Black Lung :)
Well, maybe not all, but a sizable portion for sure & for Manchin I still like the Piranha idea
Or him in his Maserati doing around 140-150 mph and a big fat Canada goose flies straight thru the windshield & takes off his fucking head.
Now that I've had a little time to think, I think goose.

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