and get people like Trump*, no thank you.
it already was a lottery..what do you think the odds were that we would end up with someone like Trump*?
The Simpsons thought the odd's were rather high years ago.
and get people like Trump*, no thank you.
it already was a lottery..what do you think the odds were that we would end up with someone like Trump*?
I figured you were just kidding about another Civil War.Thx man! I thought someone by now would rally my battle cry of Civil War 2.0 for 2020! As long as ONE nation tries to move forward with TWO or more parties...bloodshed is destined to happen again.
I figured you were just kidding about another Civil War.
Not only are you naive about Republikkkans being the same as Democrats but you pile on a fantasy Civil War where the country comes out better than it was before. In a war like that, the worst casualties will be in the ranks of the aged, the infirm and children who will die of hunger and exposure. Tens, if not hundreds of millions of civilians will die in the same way. The most likely outcomes from Civil Wars are military-backed dictatorships. Fuck your Civil War and shove your naive ideas up your ass.
How naiveWowzers. Hostile often? No? Lemme guess....low tolerance for ignorance?
Rep + Dems are one in the same. They are two parties that agree to disagree. They would rather divide than unite under one party and move forward collectively as a society.. I would say that our post-civil war country is far better off than what it was before the civil war....and America is one fucked up placed.
Our nation is broken, blistered by endless years of division, war, poor foreign policies that have earned us few welcomes elsewhere around earth.
Most of the world see's America as a wasteland of ignorance, hatefulness, egotistic, terrorists, hegemonic, capitalistic chest beaters that flex's its military at the slightest bark of its dictator.
" Liberty MUST BE refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
"God forbid we ever be 20 years without such a rebellion"
Those quotes sound familiar? Do you know which FOUNDING FATHER of America coined those words?
You say Naive...I say our founding fathers wrote the Constitution as it is without the need or desire for interpretation. War is not naive. Civil war is not naive. Its unfortunate....but its a necessity.
Civil War 2 is a cold war, but a war nonetheless, there are people who want yer ass for the color of your skin or your ethnicity and they are willing to fuck themselves and their country to do it. Some people in America feel like they are in a war or at least a fight for survival and they are on both sides of the issue. Breaking the bonds of patriotism, aligning themselves with a hostile foreign power and living in a bullshit propaganda bubble are sure signs of trouble on one side. There might be some isolated pockets of trouble or individual acts of violence when Trump goes down, but no hot civil war.I figured you were just kidding about another Civil War.
Not only are you naive about Republikkkans being the same as Democrats but you pile on a fantasy Civil War where the country comes out better than it was before. In a war like that, the worst casualties will be in the ranks of the aged, the infirm and children who will die of hunger and exposure. Tens, if not hundreds of millions of civilians will die in the same way. The most likely outcomes from Civil Wars are military-backed dictatorships. Fuck your Civil War and shove your naive ideas up your ass.
Oh lookWowzers. Hostile often? No? Lemme guess....low tolerance for ignorance?
Rep + Dems are one in the same. They are two parties that agree to disagree. They would rather divide than unite under one party and move forward collectively as a society.. I would say that our post-civil war country is far better off than what it was before the civil war....and America is one fucked up placed.
Our nation is broken, blistered by endless years of division, war, poor foreign policies that have earned us few welcomes elsewhere around earth.
Most of the world see's America as a wasteland of ignorance, hatefulness, egotistic, terrorists, hegemonic, capitalistic chest beaters that flex's its military at the slightest bark of its dictator.
" Liberty MUST BE refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
"God forbid we ever be 20 years without such a rebellion"
Those quotes sound familiar? Do you know which FOUNDING FATHER of America coined those words?
You say Naive...I say our founding fathers wrote the Constitution as it is without the need or desire for interpretation. War is not naive. Civil war is not naive. Its unfortunate....but its a necessity.
It never ends.Oh look
I think the bar in the senate has been lowered to 50% for most things now, meaningful change is easier to accomplish. If the democrats do a hat trick this time they will remove many of the republicans electoral advantages like: dark money, gerrymandering, election fraud and voter suppression. They will also protect the elections and media from foreign interference and make some of the things Trump did specific crimes. After this fiasco it might be awhile before the GOP regains power, this shit ain't over by a long shot.It really doesn't matter who wins if the Democrats don't also win the House and 60 seats in the senate.
So long as its your blood, I'm good with you watering that tree. You can join the Oklahoma City bomber there. Fuck the idea that war and the deaths of millions would benefit it.Wowzers. Hostile often? No? Lemme guess....low tolerance for ignorance?
Rep + Dems are one in the same. They are two parties that agree to disagree. They would rather divide than unite under one party and move forward collectively as a society.. I would say that our post-civil war country is far better off than what it was before the civil war....and America is one fucked up placed.
Our nation is broken, blistered by endless years of division, war, poor foreign policies that have earned us few welcomes elsewhere around earth.
Most of the world see's America as a wasteland of ignorance, hatefulness, egotistic, terrorists, hegemonic, capitalistic chest beaters that flex's its military at the slightest bark of its dictator.
" Liberty MUST BE refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
"God forbid we ever be 20 years without such a rebellion"
Those quotes sound familiar? Do you know which FOUNDING FATHER of America coined those words?
You say Naive...I say our founding fathers wrote the Constitution as it is without the need or desire for interpretation. War is not naive. Civil war is not naive. Its unfortunate....but its a necessity.
If you listen to what right wingers are talking about, they are talking about a hot war. Dividing the country. Forced relocatoin of black and brown people. "Go back to where you came from" to people whose families were forcibly brought to this land 400 years ago. "Go back to where you came from" to Hispanic people whose families worked these lands before the US even existed.Civil War 2 is a cold war, but a war nonetheless, there are people who want yer ass for the color of your skin or your ethnicity and they are willing to fuck themselves and their country to do it. Some people in America feel like they are in a war or at least a fight for survival and they are on both sides of the issue. Breaking the bonds of patriotism, aligning themselves with a hostile foreign power and living in a bullshit propaganda bubble are sure signs of trouble on one side. There might be some isolated pockets of trouble or individual acts of violence when Trump goes down, but no hot civil war.
Thx man! I thought someone by now would rally my battle cry of Civil War 2.0 for 2020! As long as ONE nation tries to move forward with TWO or more parties...bloodshed is destined to happen again.
Didja fact check that?
I thought it was Bernie's ineffectiveness.The topic is Clinton.
In my opinion I think she is a little upset that many Bernie supporters didn't vote for her ultimately helping Trump win.
What the fuck is wrong with the US. Two old white senile patients one with cardiac myopathy, the other with cognitive degeneration battling for the top job against an old white obese narcissist with a junk food addiction. Are these your best?
I’d vote for Warren
My Uncle was a prolific soft porn author too.Bernie reminds me of everyones favorite uncle.
And Boris. Somebody in a glass house is casting stonesno offense but you do have a 93 year old queen.
no offense but you do have a 93 year old queen.