Clone help :-/

The cuttings will start to yellow...especially at the tips, as the rooting intensifies. Rooting requires energy. There are no roots to take energy form the soil, or whatever medium, so the plant has to use stored energy, which is found in the leaf. As rooting progresses, so will the yellowing. Again, check out my journal which covers these points. You want to see the yellowing, this is the first sign that rooting is underway. Its then only a matter of days before you see the roots pop through the sides or bottom of the cube.
Also, its hard to say in the absence of pictures, but there is a difference between yellowing due to the nitrogen being used for rootings, versus bleaching or some other overall fading. But again, each situation is different, and the yellowing may not always start at the tips. Unless the cuttings are severely wilted, and starting to dry out, you shouldnt worry.
"You want to see the yellowing, this is the first sign that rooting is underway. Its then only a matter of days before you see the roots pop through the sides or bottom of the cube".

WHAT???? Are you seriously saying that the plant turning yellow a sign that its beginning to root. I totally disagree with that statement

My clones stay green from start to finish.........
@ FlyWithMe

I did check out your grow journal. you had a post where you were excited about getting roots after 4 days in a home made aeroponics setup. (which would be great if you can explain to me how to make one those things) haha.

Also your clones didnt look yellow at all to me.

please advise
Well, I cant speak for every situation but in my experience its the yellowing that signals the rooting process is started, the nitrogen is being pulled from the leaf to supply energy to the roots. Same way as when flowering, the leaves start to yellow as during the final flush, as the plant is using the energy and nutrients stored in the leaf.

Here is an example

And here is another thread from another site after a quick google search.

Yellowing is normal. The plant needs to use stored energy to develop roots. Where else is it going to get it from?
Never used it. Never had a need to. I like the adage...less is more. And besides why buy what nature can do for free? :)
I get roots in as little as 3 days, by the 9-10 they are ready to plant. Just using jel and heat pad/dome.
Tamerlane you have a Grow and Learn mind. That's great, one day you will be Stellar.
Kudoos to everyone who had a difference in opinion and did not go all childish.
Here is an excerpt from a page tha fully explains the way to clone.

If the lower leaves start to turn yellow and die, don't worry, it is perfectly normal. It is the cannabis plant feeding off of itself to sustain life, moving valuable nutrient and water from the older growth. Do not remove any dead growth until the cannabis plant is well rooted. If you remove the dying growth the cannabis plant can starve and die completely.

The entire guide can be found here:

So as I said originally...chill and let nature do her thing. :)
@ Max and FlyWithMe

Makes sense... Fly doesnt use nutes and as a result leaves use stored energy to make make roots and in hte process yellow a bit. Max uses nutes and thus the clones dont need to use stored energy from the plants. Of course this is theorycraft at this point with my current understanding.


As for yellowing that im experiencing it looks a lot like the pics that max posted up. Cept that the yellowing is happening at the growth shoots and top leaves as opposed to lower fan leaves. That was my initial concern as I have read that yellowing occurs from the bottom up as opposed from the top down.



dude... you get roots in 3 days just makes me more frustrated at my own situation and/or inability to do it; im not hating at all. Obviously you are doing something right to get results like that. geez...

I think it's fresh clone gel, with strong cuts from a mature plant and proper humidity at all times, and a heat pad. Honestly the more mature and the lower the cut, the better the clone.
If the lower leaves start to turn yellow and die, don't worry, it is perfectly normal. It is the cannabis plant feeding off of itself to sustain life, moving valuable nutrient and water from the older growth. Do not remove any dead growth until the cannabis plant is well rooted. If you remove the dying growth the cannabis plant can starve and die completely.

The entire guide can be found here:

@ Fly

yea i read that same article and that was what caused my concern as my clones are yellowing the exact opposite direction (top to bottom)