Duuuuude... chill!
You are way over stressing here. When it comes to cloning, less is more. Leave them alone and let them do their thing.
Also you are watering/misting waaaaay too much. Think, if you keep feeding them through their leafs, what need/incentive do they have to develop roots to seek water or nutrients.
Same with humidity. By the end of the first week, you should be looking to get them out of the dome altogether.
Sometimes, they just take longer to root. My first set of clones took a MONTH!
Checkout my journal, quite alot of info regarding clones.
Trust me on this, leave the domne on for another day or two. Opent the vent to let air in. Mist ONCE every other day. Each day open the vent more. By the 3rd or fourth day, take the dome off. And just leave them alone. They will root. It might take some time but they will. Maybe not all. Maybe not at the same time. But you should get some roots.
Alot of things affect the rooting process. You dont need supplements, or additives, or root juice or all that rubbish. If you cut them properly, and you didnt feed the mother just before you took your cuttings, you can put them in their cubes or soil or whatever and just let them do their thing. Stop stressing and let them be.
One last note. they dont need much direct light. Subtle light (a foot away is okay) is all they need. Also they should have 6 hours of dark. During the dark is when the energy is focused on rooting. One morning ou will check them and they will have roots. Leave them another day and notice how much more rooting takes place over night.
Chill, relax, let the cuttings alone and they will root.