cloneing question


Well-Known Member
hey i got 2 wonderwoman plants growing at a good rate... and i wanna clone off them... there bout 2 and a half weeks old..n veg stage still.. when would be a good time to pic a limb off of them? and where should i doo it from the TOP?? OR BOTTOM??? AND ONE LAST QUESTION...WATS A GOOD CLONEING SOLUTION OUT THERE TO USE????


Junior Creatologist
well, basically if your plant has 4 or more nodes, you can clone. Its kind of a bitch to clone with smaller cuttings, but you can still do it. If you want to top your plant, and use the top that you cut as a clone, from what i understand those are really good to make clones out of. after you take the 1st top, just wait a week, n you can take two more tops, n then leave the plant for a couple weeks to grow out all bushy. After that its open season man, the bulkier the cutting, the faster and stronger it will take root. N as long as you give your plants enough time to recover, you can keep taking cuttings from them over n over again man.

Good cloning solution to use i would say use Olivias cloning solution, or what i use, plantronics rooting gel. Its awesome, but expensive. Worth it though, thats for damn sure :D

good luck man!



Well-Known Member
alright koo yea i do wanna keeep pickin and pickin off those plants for a ima wait a bit more and go for the TOP. imma go look it up and read up on the solution..THANKS ALOT..