Clones from flower! Care to explain my great success?


Well-Known Member
I have read a lot about taking clones from flowering plants. They all say + the guys at the hydro store that it 1 either won't take or c it will take a long long time to reveg and grow roots. Well did it from the three bags seed females I have in the 6th week of huge budding flower and well it has been less than 11 days and new growth and roots are out! In rubbermaid rufeneck with sprayers under and a tub under that one for the res. The nute is Bonicare Pro Grow at 350 ppm. So please anyone tell me why all the negative statements before about why this would not work.. Thanks.. Hope you all take some knowledge from this experiment of mine... Pass it on. Oh also the lights were on 24/7 and are 6 blue t5s and one red t5s spectrum bulbs....:mrgreen:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nobody on this site never said it can not be done. i have cut 6 weeks in flower and every one took. the poin of the hole cutting clone in floweris the reveg. time. if you have the time to wait then cut cut cut. it will root.


Well-Known Member
What you said is contradictory. The cut cut cut if you have time to get them to root and reveg is the whole point sort of. Mine are already rooted and growing in less than 11 days so as I see it what wait were you speaking of. That is what I meant, there was no long wait!? A clone from a veg mom would take at least as long if not longer so make sense of it if you would for me.... Thanks.


Well-Known Member
What is the deal? I was very serious about my question and why so much hate on cloning flowering plants? I just did it like I stated so what is the real reason people say not to???? Read the posts before you answer this one. Thanks.:peace:


Well-Known Member
so ur clone has a big old bud on it? what happens to the bud when it goes back into veg mode?


Well-Known Member
I took small lower branches with small buds on the top. Took off the buds and used clonex and rapid rooters. So what is it about he wrong info that everyone says about clones from flowering plants?????!
so ur clone has a big old bud on it? what happens to the bud when it goes back into veg mode?


Well-Known Member
I did it one week into flower and it worked fine. But, I also did it three weeks in once, and although it didn't take especially long for them to get going, they were strange little three-finger-leaf mutants that never grew to be as big as clones of the same strain taken off of a mom at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I've never had major problems cloning in flower, shit I once did it when I was harvesting, lucky thing too because that strain (a wicked sat dominant WW) continues to impress me.

It usually does take longer to see significant new growth though.

It really does depend on the genetics though, as I said I've cloned at the very end of flowering and been very succesfull, however I have also cloned a different strain (ICE) only three weeks into flower and ALL the clones from a one specimen died, where as all from another survived and are now reveging.


New Member
i believe the reason that they root so quickly is the low N and high PK..
i'm only going by the fact that your not supposed to have high nutes in mothers when cutting cuz N keeps roots from growing..
i could prolly get roots faster from flower going by my experience's,but i have heard and read the hype that its not easy to do..but what i want to know about is the integrity of the genetics, will they grow to the same specs as the mother or be weakened in some way cuz i never got a chance to see..


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard it was a problem. I cut clones 1 to 2 weeks into flower regularly. I keep no mothers any longer. However, I also do runs from seed here and there to have something new. Ive never taken them as late as 6 weeks but I am sure it worked fine. The benefit is all the crazy branching you get. No haters here...LOL


Well-Known Member
I believe the essence was that this isn't the preferred clone-taking time, as most would likely intend to veg the clone, thus taking it then would eliminate the flowering clones need to return to veg?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
What you said is contradictory. The cut cut cut if you have time to get them to root and reveg is the whole point sort of. Mine are already rooted and growing in less than 11 days so as I see it what wait were you speaking of. That is what I meant, there was no long wait!? A clone from a veg mom would take at least as long if not longer so make sense of it if you would for me.... Thanks.
the time it take to veg back to the vegetation growth.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
man you guys still keep saying that everone is saying its wrong to cut clones in flower. no your wrong i and many others are saying that it take a bit to get that clone to loose that bud and start its veg cycle again. may be you should learn to understand what you read. plain and simple. YES I CAN BE DONE, BUT MANY GROWERS CHOOSE NOT TO


New Member
man you guys still keep saying that everone is saying its wrong to cut clones in flower. no your wrong i and many others are saying that it take a bit to get that clone to loose that bud and start its veg cycle again. may be you should learn to understand what you read. plain and simple. YES I CAN BE DONE, BUT MANY GROWERS CHOOSE NOT TO
are there any other negatives than the extra veg time???


Well-Known Member
Ok so you keep saying time to get back to veg and I am saying my 11 day old, in 6-7th week flower, clones are already with new roots and showing new green on top. The buds were removed so that is not an issue to "fall off". so explain or rather define vegatative growth because you seem to be saying it takes more time. How much time does a normal veging mothers clone take to show roots and new growth? Is it as short as 11 days?? Again what do you define veg as? The buds on the moms are about 18" or more long with about 4 of those and smaller ones on each of the two moms in flower. That is why I wanted more. Was told over and over it would not work and if you read the FAQ it says it takes longer and is less successful. Is 11 days a long time to belabor the point??:spew:
are there any other negatives than the extra veg time???


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
are there any other negatives than the extra veg time???
other then the success rate of the clone taking. but for the most part its just the time it take to vert back to a veg. stage. from my ex from cutting clones from a flowering plant, is 14 days after the cut of the clone i saw root, then an additional 30 days to vert back to veg. now that's 6 weeks so far. now after they vert back the plant then star to grow. now my self i like to veg 60 day. so 60 days + 6 weeks =102 days a hell of a long wait. now when i cut clones from a plant that is 20 days in veg the clone roots in 10 day and their is no revert time so you go right into veg stage. so 70 days or 102 days that's why i won't cut from flowering plants anymore. :hump:


New Member
Ok so you keep saying time to get back to veg and I am saying my 11 day old, in 6-7th week flower, clones are already with new roots and showing new green on top. The buds were removed so that is not an issue to "fall off". so explain or rather define vegatative growth because you seem to be saying it takes more time. How much time does a normal veging mothers clone take to show roots and new growth? Is it as short as 11 days?? Again what do you define veg as? The buds on the moms are about 18" or more long with about 4 of those and smaller ones on each of the two moms in flower. That is why I wanted more. Was told over and over it would not work and if you read the FAQ it says it takes longer and is less successful. Is 11 days a long time to belabor the point??:spew:
i think ya got lucky!:roll:..:mrgreen: ....i know it doesn't take long to show roots but to land on its feet runnin..hmmm.:blsmoke: