clones in flowering ....


Well-Known Member
Sure is, though the cuttings generally take longer to take. Try and find some lower stems with a few sets of nodes obvious.

With this plant probably pretty close to harvest, I'd consider re-vegging it. Just leave a little bottom growth (@harvest) and return to veg lighting. Don't water until new growth is established.


Active Member
i agree. you could take some clones from the momma, and you can keep budding her out too. then when she's done, like he said, leave some growth on, some nice green leaves, i like to leave some at the top too. and then return it to veg. just imagine the plant you have, and the bud you get off of it, and when you throw it back under the light.... it's like the mother of clones. the plant is already a decent size (i hope) and if your successful at re-veggin it, it could double or triple in size by the time your clones are ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can def. do it.
i took some from my plant flowering
HOWEVER, it takes it really really long to root and get into veg
it will grow really slow, but it will survive!


Well-Known Member
Often by this stage, in my grows, there is no healthy lower growth. When this is the case, (and I seek to re-veg) I simply cut my branches off above the lowest, former nodes (whether there's any sign of growth or not) and more often than not (every time) new growth will appear at these nodes.