Well-Known Member
Stop it with the tea FFS. You dont have any microbes to break the organic shit down so its available to the plant and you dont have any roots to uptake the shit that the microbes break down so its available to the plant anyways. .
I thought when you bubble/brew tea you were generating and breeding microbes and draining 1/4 - 1/2 of the ezcloners Rez with every application keeps the qty of broken down materials to a healthy minimum.
I have a bit of UC Roots left over which is expensive clearRez and I trust this forums members and have already established I’m no expert with my OP so I’ll do a sterile test run using physan 20 beforehand and then UC Roots as water treatment. I’m just not sure how much or how often I should put it in. The bottle system 5-10ml per gallon but like I said I’ve had bad luck. What should I do if the cloner starts to smell bad even though the plants stems are okay? Stay the course or add a little more uc roots in qty or frequency or both?