Cloning from Fan Leaves

Cap K

Well-Known Member
and you would think a botonist that made a revelationary breakthrough such as this would have a camera readily available?

guys i just cured cancer, ill post pics someday to prve it when i get my camera.
I know i'm late and I aint even finish reading the thread, but lmao!!! This is some funny shit!


Well-Known Member
i have grown numerous begonia clones by cutting of leaves slitting the veins ever so slightly then putting them in a tank with glass cover with slightly sandy substrate. works great for cloning these suckers never tried it with the nugget.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You guys didn't miss much. Pages and pages of people calling bullshit and the guy never coming up with proof. Only definitive thing I have seen has been in the last few days with caregiver's pics of budding leaves. I know a fan leaf WILL root. That is fact. But then you are looking at extremely slim chances of it having a mutation to start growing out of the center like that. So no, IMO it is not a viable option.


Well-Known Member
there was another thread about this same thing and the guys fan leaves didnt do anything but grow roots and stayed fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
I read like 20 pages before skipping to the end, thanks for wasting my buzz you fuckwadd. I bet this shit is unemployed (not picking on that, I pretty well am too, not on the gov tit tho) and can't even buy a camera (Im glad I bought mine while I had a jobbie, I have a nice Nikon D50)


Well-Known Member
Im about 2 smoke another b and forget about the part of my life i wasted thinking this was worth the time. what a lame ass.


stays relevant.

You can root a fan leaf, but there is no node sites on a leaf to continue growth from... So how would a leaf (with no nodes for future growth) suddenly form a node to grow from?

AKA... this thread will not deliver.

Use your head folks, it doesn't take this many pages to post a picture of proof!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you have to trick the leaf into thinking it has nodes
how i dont know
but if it will root then thats a starts
we have to all come together on this one and get it to work

i just saw a pick with bud on a fan leaf if that can happen then it is not impossible
take that budded leaf and reveg it


Well-Known Member
i have the answer even though this guy dont.

deep tissue culture. :blsmoke: 1 leaf, the right equipment and a lot of time and you could get maybe 50 plants or even more.

i wanted to look into it but thats on expensive fucking hobby guys.

anyhoo problem solvered

peace out


Well-Known Member
Yeah sure.
And why someone is wasting thier time with the idea I'll be smoking my own grown, I'll be smoking BUD not fan leaf.


If you can't show some proof then there is no point in arguing.
If it was that dooable someone else would have already anyway.


Well-Known Member
can we not just have this thread locked? its caused enough bickering already. its just getting ridiculous. why dont it get locked till woomeister decides to show some proof (if he has any that is).


Well-Known Member
fuck it you guys wanted answer i gave it take it or leave it no biggie to me.

but for those interested look into deep tissue culture. you will get your proof google it

im fairly sure its not what this guy was on about though but it is none the less possible

peace out


Well-Known Member
i know all about deep tissue culture. i was directing my post towards woomeister and his lack of proof. we had the answer several pages back. i was,nt saying it cant be done just saying that i dont believe that woomeister himself has done it, and that was the whole point of this thread.
and that is the lesson of this thread


Well-Known Member
lol sorry dude. im a bit stoned atm. its different Sativa (i like indicas)

besides i didnt know you had the answer several pages back i read the first few getting nowhere. the last few that seemed to have gotten to the same place. so i gave my two bob. sorry bout that lol


Well-Known Member
I just couldn't wait to argue on here, LOL but if you are going to say "Look it up" Then maybe you should and post the material you speak of so maybe thing could be cleared up more.

I don't know if it's possible or not BUT I have tried without any success (i'm a noob though) BUT I did take and clone 2 normal nodes very easily, and I did try cloning fan leaves (because I didn't know, again I am new to growing, and that worked 0 out of 8 times, so unless someone shows me some pics, real proof, not just thread chat I won't buy into the coolaid.

Nothing against anyone.
Just a cam is cheap but his talk is cheaper, him I mean woomeiste


Well-Known Member
like jester said root culture is a very time consuming and expensive thing to get into and is in no way usable in a small grow op. the only time this would come in handy would be for commercial growers with 100,s of plants, to try it for a small grow is just stupid. you would be putting 100 times more effort in just trying too clone than you would actual growing. although if you already had mastered root culture and grown hundreds of plants this way (like woomeister said) then you would have spent thousands there for you must be well off (money wise) and yet still no camera or even a friend with a camera.


Well-Known Member
Or moreover already had the pictures from doing it so many times in the past.
Cameras and cell phones with cameras have been around a good while and have been EASILY affordable for the rest of us poor folks...
Anyways I'm done reading up in here.

Take care guys


Well-Known Member
Or moreover already had the pictures from doing it so many times in the past.
Cameras and cell phones with cameras have been around a good while and have been EASILY affordable for the rest of us poor folks...
Anyways I'm done reading up in here.

Take care guys