Cloning in soil


Well-Known Member
This is some good information here especially the one about mid June bloom then take it outside to re veg a bit oh yes I'm trying it all. I just put a cbn critical xxl in the dirt and currently have 2 s.a.d. 1s in cure


Well-Known Member

Here's a trick for you....
Keep one inside and veg it slow until it's the second week of June and then start it into BLOOM till mid - late June. Around a week to 10 days only-----
Now set that one out and leave it out begin to reveg on it's own. This will not go completely back to veg due to it's starting bloom again in a few weeks..

Now as she gets into bud's doing the initial "swell." Notice how tight the node spacing is and just how big the main buds will actually be.... This stops the stretch and then restarts the bloom with very little stretch = massive mains. IF you do it right!

Once it gets later in the bloom, and you think it's getting too cold outside for it. Be just fine to finish the blooming inside.....

BUT, finish it outside if you can! See how that smoke's :bigjoint:
Bro I love this idea I just put a cbn critical xxl in the dirt actually cocoa this morning


Well-Known Member
I've just failed at cloning some gsc. Do the clone need light? Can you mist it too much and itll rot? If I have a humidifier in a small space how often should I mist it?