Cloning is as easy as 1 2 3. Lefty's cloning journal


Well-Known Member
This is a day to day journal on my method of cloning. My method yields 100 percent success.

My method will break some rules and reinforce others. But its easy to do and any personal grower needs to clone to be able to run themselves a perpetual garden.

So here we go

I will run this journal following the growth of 3 cuttings I made from 3 separate mothers I than placed in flower. These 3 cuttings will be generation 3 of each strain. The strain is simple bag seed.

3 cuttings and expect 3 flowering plants in 30-40 days.

Here is a step by step instructions on how I clone.

First I clone in soil. No rock wool or starter plugs. Right into soil. I use crappy cheap soil from Lowes. Even has a lil bit of fertilizer in it. Its all I can get and has worked great so far.

I take small cuttings. No reason why I just happens that way. I would say 3 to 4 inches is the smallest I would go.

I use cheap rooting powder I got from lowes.

I take the plant and take the cutting and immediately place it in a tub of phed water. if you use tap water make sure you let it sit out 24 hrs. This makes sure the stem does not get a air bubble.

While under water I remove any siode branches. I try to keep no more than 2 nodes of top growth. I than scrape the stem with a razor. Just score it up. Trying to remove the top layer of cells so the hormone can work better.

Than with my scizzors I cut the tips off all the remaining leaves. Than cut the stem at a 45 degree angle. ALL OF THIS IS DONE UNDER WATER.

I use 16oz drink cups. I fill them almost to the top woith soil than water it till its all damp. Than I poke hole 2 or 3 inches down. Take my prepared cutting and dip it into the powder. I am generous and like to let alot of hormone get on the stem. I do not shake off the excess. Than right into the hole I made in the soil.

I my veg tent is a small growlabs tent. 1'7"x1'7"x3' I use cfls and run 18/6 lighting.
Temps range from 78-85. And The whole bottom of the tent is covered by 2 heat pads.

I can not stress the importance of the heat pads. Root medium temp is key to great cloning. The roots love the temps.

Now here is where my method differs from most peoples. Humidity is not an issue. Its al overblown. My humidity is 25-50 percent depeding on outside weather. I use no humidity dome. It stresses the cuttings. I have had clones root and look great only to shrivel up and die once removed from the humidity dome.

I Just mist 2 or 3 times a day. And water the soil as if the cutting is a seedling by day 7. Most will have rooted by day 7. You can tell cause they will start to grow. First couple times you do this you can carefully remove the cutting from the soil and inspect.

And yes some cuttings will look like shit. Do not throw out a cutting till that baby drys up to powder.

Sorry first post is so long.

Enjpy the pics

Veg tent As of today.

3 cuttings we will be following. All 3 a day old

Veg room lighting. 2 26w cfls in each reflector

Top temp is the room temp. Bottom temp is temp in veg tent. Humidity is humidity of the room. That is the highest I have seen it in awhile. It is usually 35-40

Veg tent and flower tent

Fell free to ask questions. Will update daily with photos and thse 3 cuttings.

Hope this helps some people who have struiggled with cloning. It is easy and fun.
Day 2

Time to introduce the cuttings. I do not name my plants. They are all numbered. C stands for clone.




And this is C15. 6 days from cutting and she is fully rooted. Pulled her out last night to check. Not sure how long she has been rooted. New growth starting to grow. It is that easy.
he told helps them root faster..i do it as well...
where did you buy the heating pad? lowes as well..
Lefty - That's really interesting. I just tried using a heat pad for the first time and had 50% mortality rate. Perhaps the heat was too direct, or perhaps when used with a cover it all got too tropical!?
this looks like a very easy way to clone i dont undestand why you shave the tips tho

It is supposed to promote faster root growth. I also find it helps the clones perk but up faster and stay looking better.

he told helps them root faster..i do it as well...
where did you buy the heating pad? lowes as well..

I got it at

Lefty - That's really interesting. I just tried using a heat pad for the first time and had 50% mortality rate. Perhaps the heat was too direct, or perhaps when used with a cover it all got too tropical!?

I doubt it was the heat pad. Whats your method of cloning? Whats your normal success rate? Temps?

My temps reach 80-85 with lights on. I use to have the heat pad right under the cups and only moved it below the tent's inner lining cause it gave me a lil more room in the tent. I doubt the heating pad is the issue.

This is how my veg tent used to look before I moved the heating pad.


Next my method shows you do not need a cover. I have had a 60 or 50 percent success rate using a cover. I stopped using a cover and have not lost a clone yet.

Which is why I am sharing the fact that the humidity dome is not needed. It is all a lie :hump:

Just mist them. No cover. use the heating pad. See how it works out for you.
Day 3

Not much to see. Might check one for roots in another day. They are looking very good.

And remember this is with no humidity dome. Just mist 2 or 3 times a day.

Enjoy the pics





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my question is does the cutting have to be from the top cola or can it be from any stem as long as its 2 nodes from the starting stem?
dude i did the same thing but i used 1hetaing pad,half perlite half soil,and clear cups inside red dixie cups
You can clone from anywhere on the plant, but remember that older growths take longer to root than newer growths. Nice thread btw, like the resourcefulness! :leaf:
This looks good. I have just started cloning this year so far I have just been puting them into dirt no rooting powder or anything. It's been working gerat outside but I didn't no if it would work in the room I'm building so this makes me happy :) yaya
yea i use them 2 clone and 2 grow coco holds water well so u dnt have 2 water like for a week and ahalf ill put a pic of a clone i took 2 weeks ago
the first 1 i took 2 days ago the second and third one r the same 2 weeks old let me know what u tink guys any questions coments welcomemj.jpgbmj2.jpgbmj.jpg


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This looks very appealing to me who have always thought about the possibility of simplifying the clone proccess, i watched my mom and grand mother for years clone there house plants and come out with great plants in no time and they didnt use all this fancy stuff either a chop and a planter with dirt and wa la..Sub'd and glad of it Rep to you as well....Peace