Cloning with feminized seeds.

A female plant is a female plant............regardless whether the seed was a reg or a fem.
But I was reading that stress has alot to do with a plants becoming a hermaphrodite. So does making a fem seed and the combo makes it more likely your clones will herm.


Well-Known Member
But I was reading that stress has alot to do with a plants becoming a hermaphrodite. So does making a fem seed and the combo makes it more likely your clones will herm.
No.......a healthy female plant with good genetics will not herm..........regardless of what kind of seed it was.
A true Hermie shows both pistils and balls early in flower.
Stress can cause rodelization, which is a plant producing nanners either by stress or naturally late in flower.

conor c

Well-Known Member
True. But does cloning off a mother plant grown from a female seed put you at risk for more herms?
Depends on that plant that you s1 if it's sexually stable no if not then it might herm fems and reg seeds can herm if there not made from solid parents fems made from good parents are no more risky for herming on you than good reg seeds are in my opinion


Well-Known Member
I would think since the clone is literally part of the mother plant that happened to be physically separated and grow roots of its own, it would have the exact same chance of herming as the mother plant it was cut from...