

Well-Known Member
Tht also makes sense,Whats the difference in Transpiration where leaves actually sweat from low RH.
What does respiration actually mean....Something to do with oxygen uptake?

Ive noticed transpiration before when RH is too low,I freaked like where the hells this water coming from,id go check RT as lights were gonna come on and there would be water drops on alot of the leaves.

I thought we trim the leafs ends off to slow this process down



Well-Known Member
What? Huh?

Like you said in post #57 this is your experiment.

Stick a cutting in soil (not a good cloning medium) and not using rooting hormone is a design for failure. That's why people that clone do it in cubes with hormone.

Do you just like to torture innocent plants? Are you a botanosadist?
I clone in Soil with no problems,And prefer over these Cubes you talk about,alot of people clone in Soil!



New Member
Respectfully noted, but why?

He continually spouts misinformation and admits as much. He has never successfully grown weed. Why does he deserve "a break".

OK in respect to you as a mod I'll back off. But he derails every thread he enters into.

Peace - AIM
i dont mist because of the fear of mold, and i would rather my roots bring the water up and out of the leaves, like in the picture above, instead of the other way around.

clones are different i hear, becuase they dont have roots. the only way for them to obtain moisture is through the leaves for now.

rooky, the plant is standing up already after taking away the extreme heat.

just got some willow cuttings, boutta make some rooting horomone. have to brew it for 24 hours it says.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully noted, but why?

He continually spouts misinformation and admits as much. He has never successfully grown weed. Why does he deserve "a break".

OK in respect to you as a mod I'll back off. But he derails every thread he enters into.

Peace - AIM
Carry on then.....Just stop with the name calling,and correct where needed.
Theres a rt and wrong way to correct ppl,Calling them names is not the rt way!



Active Member
i dont mist because of the fear of mold, and i would rather my roots bring the water up and out of the leaves, like in the picture above, instead of the other way around.

clones are different i hear, becuase they dont have roots. the only way for them to obtain moisture is through the leaves for now.

rooky, the plant is standing up already after taking away the extreme heat.

just got some willow cuttings, boutta make some rooting horomone. have to brew it for 24 hours it says.
That's great news I hope she turns out for ya.


Well-Known Member
Carry on then.....Just stop with the name calling,and correct where needed.
Theres a rt and wrong way to correct ppl,Calling them names is not the rt way!

Just so's you know, when he gets in his argumentative moods, he (meat) calls us names too.


New Member
went to the park today, grabbed some young willow branches, and made some rooting hormone.

the bad branches floated to the top. you need good alive branches. all the bark dissolved into the water. i think thats where the auxins are at.

2013-02-03_19-18-01_4.jpg 2013-02-03_20-03-16_95.jpg


Well-Known Member
here goes the clone experiment..kind of sad i had to sacrafice a limb.

no hormone or anything, but i did rough up the small stem that went into the soil

should i cut those two leaves off that are sitting in the soil and get the stem deeper? whats better, more stem in the ground, or more leaves?

View attachment 2507936
kool your trying a soil layer. They have a good section on this in "Marijuana Botany" hope it works for you.


Well-Known Member
I'm a n00b and all but, don't you use water in small dixie type cups, and at least 3 teirs of leaves where the bottom leaves get peeled off and then sat in water under 24 hour light?? REALLY want to know


Well-Known Member
Well back in post #68 I got my spanking by the mod so everybody be nice to the meat fellow. He really is a fine chap.

Not sure why I care except this is a pretty decent site otherwise.



New Member
the brew smells like artichoke heart i also watered with it

my buddy gets roots in t minus 2 seconds in an aerocloner. i wonder how fast hell get roots with the real hormones. hes gonna try it in his aerocloner


Well-Known Member
the brew smells like artichoke heart i also watered with it

my buddy gets roots in t minus 2 seconds in an aerocloner. i wonder how fast hell get roots with the real hormones. hes gonna try it in his aerocloner
I tried the willow branche rooting solution. You have to use it right away. it wants to mold up after a few days. Atleast it looked like mold on top the solution.
IMO- air layer would be the best asexual propagation method.


New Member
i hear ya..but nah it says i can keep willow solution

"When you make willow water, both salicylic acid and IBA leach into the water, and both have a beneficial effect when used for the propagation of cuttings. One of the biggest threats to newly propagated cuttings is infection by bacteria and fungi. Salicylic acid helps plants to fight off infection, and can thus give cuttings a better chance of survival. Plants, when attacked by infectious agents, often do not produce salicylic acid quickly enough to defend themselves, so providing the acid in water can be particularly beneficial."

"The second way to use willow water is to use it to water the propagating medium in which you have placed cuttings. Watering your cuttings twice with willow water should be enough to help them root."

"You can keep the liquid for up to two months if you put it in a jar with a tight fitting lid and keep the liquid in the refrigerator. Remember to label the jar so you remember what it is, and write down the date you brewed it up, and to aid the memory, write down the date that it should be used by, which is two months from the date it was made! "

its the natural good form of an acid and a hormone. they are natural and speed up the process of life. in acne cream, they speed up the skins cycles, in asprin, they speed up something to get rid of headache, stomach ache and fever.

its an acid in peto bismal that helps shed the layer of the stomach and kill off bugs, helps speed up the process. unforunately these products are synthetic forms, no where near as good as the real thing. they burn and kill, while this natural acid speeds up processes and heals with the hormone. on top of that, the products in the stores like the face cream are 2% salysylic, and 98% filler.

the tea you make like this is 100% hormone plus 100% salysylic. cleans (kills) and heals all in one.

before and after hormone. also sprayed and watered with it lmao



Well-Known Member
cheif steward, if you have no advice please leave.

my parents both know im growing and dont have a problem with it, unless it stinks up my house, hence why im trying to keep them small.

mutant plant is still flowering..taking forever to show me any amber trichs..shes burnt becuase i fed the hell out of her with bloom nutes to try to get her buds to swell up

View attachment 2507971
AWHAHAHA!!!! OMG! What the hell is that!?? It sure doesn't look like any MJ I've
Ever seen!! Wow.. I'm sorry, but if it mine, I do believe I would kill it!! Female or not!
I would be ashamed to show it off really!! Please don't post anymore pics of it, atleast
Until it gets better!! So, how your cloning going btw?? And you say your not even using
Any type of rooting hormone on them/it?? What's the resoning behind your method, if
I may ask? Thanks..


Well-Known Member
straight into soil.

what do you mean leaf sets? the only leaf sets that are there are the ones that are sitting on the soil. should i cut them off and bury the stem more? also why do people cut the tips of the veg leaves off? whats the purpose?

bakatare, dude, please stop spamming my thread. i dont want this to turn into the typical 1000 page troll zone. i want help in here.
The reasoning behind cutting the leaves in half as you mentioned, some growers
Do that, I even do it, because its supposed to make your clone/clones focuss on "rooting"
Insted of leaf production... hope that makes sence to you.. :mrgreen:


New Member
AWHAHAHA!!!! OMG! What the hell is that!?? It sure doesn't look like any MJ I've
Ever seen!! Wow.. I'm sorry, but if it mine, I do believe I would kill it!! Female or not!
I would be ashamed to show it off really!! Please don't post anymore pics of it, atleast
Until it gets better!! So, how your cloning going btw?? And you say your not even using
Any type of rooting hormone on them/it?? What's the resoning behind your method, if
I may ask? Thanks..
look at the post right above this one you posted.

also im cutting the mutant whenever the soil dries out. im tired of waiting for it to mature. it obviously has terrible roots. even 6 ounces of water drains out the pot..i have to drench my tomato plant with like 16oz of water to start dripping.

maybe ill put my lights back the other looked a lot brighter in there before.

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Well-Known Member
look at the post right above this one you posted.

also im cutting the mutant whenever the soil dries out. im tired of waiting for it to mature. it obviously has terrible roots. even 6 ounces of water drains out the pot..i have to drench my tomato plant with like 16oz of water to start dripping.

maybe ill put my lights back the other looked a lot brighter in there before.

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Didn't see the post you mentioned! I am using my phone to connect to the ne, computer is in shop. And the way the phone veiws this site is nuts!! Anyways, yeah I was thinking that the "mutant" plant had to have somthing going on with it to look like that!! I have a "Blue Mystic (auto) that is acting retard!! I do believe its "genetics"! Its leaves are all twisted & all out of shape! Looks funny as hell! And the reason why I feel its genetics is because I have grew this strain before, & have a few others going now, & not 1 of the others are acting like that!!
Oh well I guess..