Closet grow with pics


Well-Known Member
Were going to flower with cfls too. Our yield might not be that huge but the quality from what i understand with cfls is better. Frostier nuggets. We would like to use a hps but it just isnt very practical with our setup right now. Maybe in the fall/winter we could look into a hps, but for now it is too big an issue with heat.

Oh and thanks for the link chrome.
Will keep you guys updated cyas!


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh... i love hearing about people having the same circumstances as I.

i too am not going to use hps for my flowering due to the heat... the hps is going to be my source of heat during the cold months when my grow room is going to be too cold...

butthead, what kind of cfls's are you using during the flowering? are you going to keep the same bulbs and spectrum from the veg and only change the photo period? or are you using a different type of bulb as well?


Well-Known Member
lol that's funny, i'm glad we're not the only ones with this problem. so far we've been using t5's, we have a 4 - 4' bulb structure with 54W bulbs. Also, we do use different spectrum bulbs, we use the veg and bloom bulbs. We got everything from htg supply, and they've been great.

we also have two additional 26W CFLs (daylight) in there to supplement the t5's. Don't know if they really do much though...

what kind of set-up do you have?


Well-Known Member

thats basically what im working with right now... plants are about 1 month old... i may consider flowering in a few weeks...

plants are a bit bigger right now that they r in the pics in that thread...

i'm using scattered wattages, ranging from 20-50 ish... i'm going to make a little more complex frame for the plants so i can aim lights at the sides and bottoms in a few days


Well-Known Member
also, at what point during your veg ( if at all) did you start using full strength nutes...

my plants are starting to have a problem

i dont know if its burn (find it hard to believe because i hardly use a powerful amount of nutes ) or a deficiency in nitrogen or some other property...

did you use full strength nute in your veg cycle at all? If so did u nute every feeding or rotate between waters


Well-Known Member
hey chrome, we've never used full strength nutes yet... i'm beginning to think maybe we should. i read your other thread and i agree with you that as noobs maybe we're too careful not to hurt the plants, and we end up depriving them of the things they need.

recently, we've stopped worrying about overwatering. We water whenever our water meter reads 1 or 2, which is sometimes daily. I think the best thing to do is to observe the plant and try different things until they work for it, maybe each plant needs something a little different.

perhaps we should start nuting at full strength then...

my most recent thought is wind burn... we think we may have too much wind blowing on the plants. do you think that could do it?


Well-Known Member
well... according to what i've researched... keeping the fan on low is good enough for just a few little plants...

just a nice calm rustling of the leaves is sufficient in addition to proper exhaust...

i'm nto quite sure if a fan can burn the leaves.... but all i know is as long as the leaves are just twinkling in the wind... the plants like it...

i just discovered one of my problems.... i tested the runoff water, the excess water that comes out after watering my rockwool, and it is WAY too alkaline...

do you test your water that leaks out of your pots... ?

if not you should do that kuz i'm starting to see my plants perk up just from adjusting the input water so that the ouput water isnt so alkaline (aka putting more acidic water into the plant)


i think the only time we should put full strength nutes is about a week or two before harvest...

other than that i think the most we should be nuting the plants is maybe 3/4 strength at most

but i will continue looking for the answers :)

also, im going to be watering my plants once a day with ph'd water


Well-Known Member
no, we've never tested the runoff water... we've tested the water going into the plant, and it's usually right around a 7. how do you make your water more acidic? maybe we'll test it once to see if that could be what causes those leaves to turn.

i guess it's all trial and error til we figure it out lol. we'll be updating soon, stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
i was puting ph 7 water into my plants... the rockwool (alkaline medium) turned the ph7 into almost a ph 9 or 10!! which is absolutely not good...

grow mediums in soil mixtures can also tamper slightly with the ph of the entry water...

id recommend testing the water that leaks out after you water to see if its the right ph....

in my case, also because i follow hydroponic rules, i lowered my water to 5.5 entering the plant so its a nice 6.5 7 ish on the way out....

my leaves r looking a little better now as a matter of fact ...

cept the one weak plant that has been giving me crap the entire time


Well-Known Member
that sucks cuz we just watered a little while ago, so i guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to test it.

what would you recommend we use to bring the ph down if it is too high (in soil)?


Well-Known Member
put the ph down into the water u are feeding the plants.... if the ph is too high u want it to be more acidic (down)

for example... you use phd water that reads 7. you water the plants with that. you measure the ph of the water that leaks out the bottom and its 8!

you would need to lower the ph you put into the plant to 6, then hopefully the water that comes out is 7, which is good.

but then again i dont do soil... so im not sure of what the differences in ph are from entrance to exit, but its well worth the checkup to make sure EVERYTHING is perfect

try it tomorrow when u feed and test the runoff water... im curious as to what the ph is...

my guess is if ANYTHING the nutes in the soil or stuff like perlite, etc, may raise the ph from a 7 to maybe like a low 7 point something like 7.4.

thats if anything... it may even stay the same... but all i know is rockwool changes stuff intensely the first few times you water it


Well-Known Member
they are looking awesome wolfman be ready for an update tonight! researching all this stuff if fun to us, and its nice having a board with people too help. stay tuned for updates tonight when they lights go back on!


Well-Known Member
i'm going to take some pics this afternoon as well... as soon as i get my bubbler in my res and setup a few more cfls aimed at the sides of my plants and run them on the timer as well...

i found that entering a slightly lower ph to my plants has helped three of them...

the one plant still has dying leaves.... i think its just weak.... i wish i had a little grow box just for this weak ass little girl and smoke the shit outta her in a few weeks...

but for now she stays with the rest, maybe she can learn something from her sisters


Well-Known Member
haha ya were waiting to see some pics of your gals! were getting kinda pissed that they haven't shown signs of sex yet but o well gotta be patient.