Well-Known Member
Ok, Im gettin' it now...
You would be surprised to know that there are no good sites on adding a control bucket to dwc bubblers.
Aight, I may pm ya on a few questions if ya dont mind.
Pleeeease. You know I don't mind fire away my friend.
Yeah I went to the web to see If I could find a diagram right before that post and I couldn't find nothing on it either.
You can do the whole set up with out the submersible pump but I think it's an advantage because it circulates your whole system and keeps your grow buckets equally balanced. If you ever have to adjust your pH, you just have add it to the control tank and it will disperse evenly through out your whole system very slowly over time instead of instantly changing all at once. Another advantage is you just have to monitor the control tank instead of all them grow buckets.
Peace man.