Well, because of the great software changeover... Their gone.

I made an attempt to pm wavels and asked him to post some of his prize shots on this here thread.

So, we'll see what happens.
Mike, I'll post a new set of updates later,

I got to go outside and fix my jet ski before it rains again.. Ive been putting it off.

And thanks for being so polite and friendly.

If there were more people like you on this planet, it would be a wonderful place to live.

Have a terrific day, Your friend, CG :)
Mike, I'll post a new set of updates later,

I got to go outside and fix my jet ski before it rains again.. Ive been putting it off.

And thanks for being so polite and friendly.

If there were more people like you on this planet, it would be a wonderful place to live.

Have a terrific day, Your friend, CG :)

Lookin forward to it, and best of luck on that jetski-work, ive got a jetboat and its a pain in the ass sometimes. Of course, im no marine mechanic lol.

I'll check back later to see how things are going, :peace:peace:peace:

:) :) :)
Ok Mike,

Jet ski is up and running again.

Here's a new batch of pics. :)

Its so great to be able to just go out on the water for a few hours and just kick back on a river, or out on a lake!(or off the coast)
Still lookin pretty spectacular!
Keep up the good work man,
And the air pots are STILL in the lead... Hahahahaha! :lol:

Got a few yellow leaves on the bottom of the Fox Farm bubbler plants, nothing to worry about.

New growth is perfect, and the shoots have started to take off since the transition from GH.

The Fox Farm is working like it should.

I dont hate the stuff.

Its not bad.

Doing better than GH, thats fer sure.

The Dynamic Duo is maxing out :)

The Jacks Classic plant stems are twice as big as the bubbler plants... uh huh! :)
The airpots are looking good, the whole dam setup looks good. I bet the hydro catches up and blow by the others when the root mass bulks up a bit more.Buds are lookin frosty in the other post.
Hello sixstring,

Actually, the roots are totally submerged in the water, and there is plenty of root mass.

I believe the Jacks is a much better fertilizer for rapid growth..

Jacks is a chemical fert. and studies show that chemical ferts. produce rapid growing plants, no matter what your growing.

While, organics will give a plant more bushiness, or greater foliage growth.
Closet, if you wouldnt mind giving me a little pointer. My plants are about to finish veg. With the extra height im allowing them to grow i am a) letting the stem get thicker so they can handle more nutes b) letting the node branches grow out longer so there will be more bud spots?

just making sure i understand what it is that im doing. I know after the first time i get through flower it will all be clear for me , but maybe a little cheater pointer wont be bad.

All but one is over 12 inches , im thinking another few days. They are growing about and inch a day now since i started upping the nutes. I love fast growth : ) suppppperrrrrpllaaaaannntsssss!