Cloud's Royal Dwarf Auto Grow : 6 Plants : CFL - 600w HPS


Well-Known Member
Well finally I have started my second grow journal. a few months back i picked up 6 Royal Dwarf seeds cheap and they had been sitting in a drawer until i had better lights, more room, and my other plants were approaching harvest. ALL of those requirements have come true. I am Most pleased by this! :p

i germinated the seeds in peat pots with average potting soil. Due to an unforeseen and unfortunate event over the weekend where they were left unattended for 3 days (I know!!) three of the seedlings are growing quite well whilst the other three aren't faring so well. i'm confident in my ability to tun this around and have 6 lovely and healthy plants growing soon. for now i'm keeping them under a couple of hundred watts of CFL whilst my other plants finish under the hps. and in a few weeks all six will be put under it's magnificent glow. i will also be potting them in 10 litre pots and i will be using both Biobizz allmix and Biobizz nutrients, mainly because i've read good things and it's locally available and quite affordable. anyway. here are some pictures of them. i love the start of a grow... they flourish so quickly... ^^,

Here are the three healthy ones. they are doing fine
and dandy and need no other mention except that
they are indeed....

Now here are the three that are not doing so well..
i've done my best to help them, one was even
twisted with it's cotyledon pointing downwards.
but it's been sorted.. i'm still a little worried about
the last one. but on close inspection it does seem
like it will be fine. just a little behind! ^^,

Anyway i'm extremely excited about this grow as it is my first true second grow. i am looking forward to placing my ever expanding knowledge on these lovely plants!



Well-Known Member
so today i bought a proper fan. and it's gently blasting a healthy airflow around the grow room. i also picked up a temp/humidity sensor. 23.9 degrees celsius (75f-76f) and 55% humidity. i think that means all is well.. :D


Well-Known Member
Gonna post a few pics in the morning! all 6 babies are growing merrily now!
just gave em a nice watering before the night falls..


Well-Known Member
here they Are! all around a week old. going to up pot them to 10 litre pots the second i can afford the soil.

Nice shot of them all desperately need to repot them seeing as they're autos. need them in their final pot as soon
as possible.

and a rake of pics of them individually. all same age but since a
few had a rough few days there are some smaller than others.

my other plants have 2-3 weeks remaining. then as soon as they
are done. these girls will get nothing but 600w of gorgeous tasty
HPS light!


Well-Known Member
going biobizz all mix and finally gonna fork out for the nutes. only veg and bloom nutes. i love the soil... it did wonders on my last grow.