Club 600 NFL 2013


Well-Known Member
Seattle has one weapon, there loud ass fans. What's your D gonna do to Frisco try and double team Crabtree? Whose gonna watch Anquan and Davis? Your forgetting in week 2 when you won Crabtree was out and Davis got hurt early in the game.Then in week 14 we still won even without Crabtree.
Your fans can only take you so far and come Sunday your gonna see what a well oiled and selfless football team looks like. You Chickenhawks are so afraid you even blocked ticket sales to cali fans.. Wtf? I smell fear!
Two things is this prove you are an idiot.
1) Last season in CLink Crabtree was in the game and we blew you out 42-13. Still wanna use that excuse? Your team can hardly beat us in your own house, at least mine smears the floor with yours when you play here.
2) The niners restricted ticket sales to only 4 state for the NFCCG (hawks tix are opn to 6) last year also excluding the state of your opponent. The Broncos are also doing it this year as well. Its commonplace. Every team always does this, I have no idea why it's a bad thing all the sudden.

Keep grasping for every little thing you can though, it's really cute. It shows your desperation.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
either way, it could be one of the greatest games ever played!!!!!! some one or some people are going to get hurt. i hate to think like that, but i see both teams leaving every thing they got on the field. that said the winner of that game looses the super bowl. just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
either way, it could be one of the greatest games ever played!!!!!! some one or some people are going to get hurt. i hate to think like that, but i see both teams leaving every thing they got on the field. that said the winner of that game looses the super bowl. just my thoughts.
Both Seattle & San Fran are bully, smash mouth teams. I don't think either one of the AFC teams is tough enough to stand in the trenches and go blow 4 blow with them for 4 qtrs. The winner of Sundays game in Seattle will win the SB..........


Active Member
I'm soooooooo excited. This is the real Super Bowl this week. We have a whole lot more going for us defensively then loud ass fans up here, and anyone who says otherwise would be seriously underestimating us. SF, you're coming to our house, remember that. Talk a big game all you want about our last matchup, but Seattle hasn't been kind to you and it would be fool hardy to forget that.

I have nothing but confidence that we will absolutely crush the 49ers in our house... again.

How are you feeling?

Lets do this!


Well-Known Member
Alright Im coming out of hiding ha! Its tough for the season to end like that, but all in all we did alright after the dust settling from the bounty gate BS. Rob ryan has taken the worst D in the league to #4 with a new team along with plenty of injuries, Im happy about that for sure.
I think in 2014 Sean Payton will get things worked out after his first season back after an entire season off,,,, all considering we did alright.

I wanna see seattle beat the boots off of the 49rs, you guys deserve a ring this year,,, although Id like to see Manning get another before he retires.

Im already ready for Saints 2014 baby bongsmilie cant wait.


Well-Known Member
Peyote I'm gonna pretend you didn't try and make this personal by calling me an idiot...
9ers aren't even the same team as they were last year, litteraly.! We have new blood for one and Kaepernick just barely got to know his offence and he still took them to the Super Bowl.. Did darned good too.!
I'll give you #2 tho. It is a fucked up practice tho and I hope the NFL puts a stop to it...

Its not desperation, maybe a teensy weensy nervous cause it's gonna be a tough one, but I'm mostly content at how calm and confident they are as a team.


Well-Known Member
I got love for you Seattle fans cause you make this fun...!
Usually I don't like to talk shit about sports cause it sucks when I have to eat my words. But this is football baby! And I just cant help myself. I'm a humble man so I can take a little shame from loss, but when we win.. OOOoOOoOooWweee it feels good to gloat..

Who's got it better than us?


Well-Known Member
Both Seattle & San Fran are bully, smash mouth teams. I don't think either one of the AFC teams is tough enough to stand in the trenches and go blow 4 blow with them for 4 qtrs. The winner of Sundays game in Seattle will win the SB..........
Wow, no respect for Denver or New England.


Well-Known Member
^^ I know right?! I think that either New England or Denver could and will give more than a challenge to either of the NFC teams. I mean realistically these are the two top performing offenses in the NFL and to look past them is a mistake, one that I hope they make. lol


Well-Known Member
I have to agree CC.

I will root for Peyton, I cannot for his team. :0)

...but Brady and The Cheaters are a force. Belacheat is Football Satan.

It will be fun.



Well-Known Member
I have to agree CC.

I will root for Peyton, I cannot for his team. :0)

...but Brady and The Cheaters are a force. Belacheat is Football Satan.

It will be fun.

When you're the best at what u do (Bill B., Brady) there are bound to be haters!


Well-Known Member
Yeah...LOL...and when you practice every known* type of cheating
possible, then you are also known as unethical.

I do have a specific bone to pick with The Pats. Brady is one of the
best to ever play the game. Pat fans have a lot to love. No worries there.


* I am sure that there is some new (drone?) way that he is cheating now,
one that we just haven't figured out yet. :-)