Club 600 NFL 2013

WTF no snow angel touchdown dance!?! C'mon man! lol Id do a snowman touchdown dance like "hold on Its gonna take a minute" There a fukin foot of snow in the end zone.
Getting loud for your team is seattles idea lol records are made to be broken my friend.

Lol of course it was our idea ;)
Unfortunaley you are tryin to break a different record I beleive. You are an indoor arena, which has a different sound record than outdoor arenas. But I don't think you can get as loud as we do outside.
Lol of course it was our idea ;)
Unfortunaley you are tryin to break a different record I beleive. You are an indoor arena, which has a different sound record than outdoor arenas. But I don't think you can get as loud as we do outside.

I know its a different record. Would be impressive if we dont beat your outdoor record, I been in that dome and it gets soo loud you can feel your eardrums about to explode lol, cant even hear yourself screaming!

You think it will be snowy in NY for the super bowl?

Sure why not,,, should be fun.
I know its a different record. Would be impressive if we dont beat your outdoor record, I been in that dome and it gets soo loud you can feel your eardrums about to explode lol, cant even hear yourself screaming!

Sure why not,,, should be fun.

I feel that not hearing yourself scream. That's why I only go to two games a season, that noise has got to be doing damage.

Im hoping for a snow bowl, that would be sweet
I was looking for it, but nothing, so I guess we didnt? In my searching I also learned the dome has sound dampening properties in it,,, its used for concerts and things like that.
I'll tell you what we did break, the spirit of the panthers lol
I was looking for it, but nothing, so I guess we didnt? In my searching I also learned the dome has sound dampening properties in it,,, its used for concerts and things like that.
I'll tell you what we did break, the spirit of the panthers lol

Im sure if you didn't have sound dampeners you would crush it, heard its loud in that bitch! Lol, just hope that you can do it again in the Pathers' house! I just saw as a hawk fan, games are different on the road when playing divisional opponents. But yeah, i dont think Carolinas secondary can shut the saints down like the Hawks did.

I'm finally getting over Sunday's loss, considering we are still the #1 team and the playoffs for the NFC will likely still come through Seattle. All we gotta do is win 2 of the next three. That's At the Giants (easy win), home vs the Cards and home vs the Rams. We already beat the last two in their own houses, I'm not worried about either of them at the CLink. Our fate is still in our own hands. And to be honest, I'm glad we got this loss. Didn't want the player getting big heads. Gotta keep that ego in check and stay hungry. Besides history isn't in the favor of 1 loss teams as far the the super bowl goes.
dude i got screwed in my fantasy league... had megatron and reggie bush. and victor cruz. had luck on the bench, for brady. ugh.... had montee ball on my bench, but couldnt switch out bush in time. i had an awesome win streak and was on track to win the league... that week just screwed me.

and not to mention the lions... poor lions. they just cant catch a break. always something. damnit. when we ever gonna get a super bowl gd'it!
I hate football now. Steelers loosing again after a nice couple game run. Bad coaching by my fantasy team (which I am the coach). Why am I even watching this game!!! My football ship has now sunk, I don't know what to do.....
I hate football now. Steelers loosing again after a nice couple game run. Bad coaching by my fantasy team (which I am the coach). Why am I even watching this game!!! My football ship has now sunk, I don't know what to do.....

I can empathize with your pain man, I'm a Seahawks and Mariners fan. It's painful most of the time. However I can't feel too bad for you if you are a steelers fan. Super bowl 40 and all...
omg my fanatasy team.... i went from 1st to 6th in one week because of that BS last week. im so pissed off.

i agree steelers had their day :D now the LIONS thats a team who could really do it if they get their ducks in a row. honestly i was impressed with philly's ability to have a back up QB who is being this good basically. the running game killed me.

my opponent had McCoy against me the day i had a last minute injured Bush on my team... Bush was actually projected higher. he was also on the "no drop" list so i couldnt drop him, only bench. and by the time i got a phone call letting me know Bush had tweaked that main injury of his, it was too late for me to put Montee Ball in instead. i had CJ spiller or spitter or whatever his name is too, on the bills. GRR... and wtf when i drafted Victor Cruz and Megatron i thought i had an awesome WR setup going. alshon jeffery too.
drafted Brady... im a U of M fan, and hes typically always been a reliable fantasy QB. until this stinkin year. wow. luck gets projected to do less eacht ime almost but alaways out scores brady... im gonna just start sticking with Luck. hell i had to pick up Eli Manning on Luck's bye week just so i wasnt stuck with Brady on a bad week. and it turned out to be the right thing to do, manning scored great that week.

so go figure, everything is going ass backwards for me. i had that TE for the lions on my bench too when he scored like 4 TD catches in that one game this season. Fauria i think its spelled. i want to pull my hair out. at least i didnt do this one for cash this year. i was gonna win too, just one week screwed me totally out of even the playoffs much less winning out-right.

That QB who is in the news for Suing the League for concussions.... CRAIG MORTON. he was born in Flint MI whoop whoop!! except he went to california to goto school so maybe he was a part of the "white flight" that scurvy bastard! that really good WR on the Steelers antonio brown i think it is? he is from CMU alot of football players coming out of MI for some reason. we need more hockey players!! :D like Tim Thomas (from Flint area) already have a few famous basketball players. such as Glen Rice, Morrice Peterson, Mateen Cleaves to name a few.

that loss the lions took sure makes things alot more interesting for the rest of the league tho. like now technically Chicago has a chance. id die if they went to the playoffs and not Detroit. because in order to even get into the playoffs, more than likely, anyone in the NFC north is going to have to win their division. i sure hope its the lions. so much talent... schwartz idk about him. some days hes a sharp as a razor and thinks of some pretty smart things. other days he is off and makes risky, iffu decisions that end up turning out badly. i dont think hes a bad coach... Jimmy Johnson said he thinks hes getting unfair media attention... he right, regardless of your opinion on Schwartz in the first place he does. being the lions coach kinda puts the dunce cap on coaches anyhow for some reason. i geuss SE Michigan is a sinkhole sucking everyone down with it. watch megatron goto denver and start averaging 300+ yards a game 4-5 TD's ... that would just be our luck. MI needs this super bowl so badly...

sums up the seahawks pretty good here. go 9ers :)
dude... if the lions would WIN, Ford Field would be loudest... im sure there was some rowdy ones at the ol Pontiac Superdome too. Either way in Pontiac or Detroit... gotta be some CRAZY ass people at those games. i aint never gonna pay the $$ to go to one. i think these team owners are on a one way trip to hell with all the $ they make off of these fans.

lighter note. i cant believe how good seattle is... and they STILL lost that game. last week was nuts. absolutely. i was kind of hoping seattle would lose tho just to even out things a bit. i dont like when their are teams that get so far behind or ahead... not as competitive when that happens. or people start getting hurt cuz players are just out there to be crazy, since they know they cant win.

either way... denver seattle and san fran are doing really good right now. i hate to say it but i was impressed with philly too :( just had to be against my lions.