Well-Known Member
no thanks.......
this the gary fischer you bought off your pal? can i have a full pic? as for not posting, i'll snap on my way in this morning and maybe later tonight of a couple of beautiful spots i visit but i aint got no smoke to toke unless i scrumpthis is the time I like to smoke at......
Im at a HUGE disadvantage, i live in the shit deserts of Arizona, and smoke on my couch with my dog>.< Its not even a great couchDid everyone get stoned and forget there was a competition....seriously folks, I am giving away glass pipes, t-shirts, and other SHtuff and you lot can't even get your phone/camera out and take a pic of where you are smoking you lazy CUNTS!!!!!!!! lol. oh yeh, forgot you were all stoners. Anyway......this compeition will end soon so get your pics in NOW.