Club 600


Well-Known Member
Was getting me kinda low thinking about it all, then my lights came on and i could finally stick my head in the tent. Best part of the day. I could stare at them for hours. Always cheers me up.
I go outside and look at my girls several times a day for no real reason other than to admire them.


Well-Known Member
I check out my plants 4 times a day minimum. Today I had to move my drying operation out of my grow space. I chopped ten days ago and it's still fresh. 80% RH after yesterday's deluge. My wife hates it when I dry plants in the "Guest Room". No choice though. I'm more worried right now about a massive case of seeds in my grow. I found one big hunk of White Russian chock full of seeds and now some Chronic I'm just jarring up, well it didn't take me long to find beans in that too. grrrr. I think my humidity is stressing my plants out (or I'm just flowering too long). The worst thing is quite a bit of that went out in the world; I'm going to be getting some phone calls lol. Refunds all round and a monster hash run.


Well-Known Member
I check out my plants 4 times a day minimum. Today I had to move my drying operation out of my grow space. I chopped ten days ago and it's still fresh. 80% RH after yesterday's deluge. My wife hates it when I dry plants in the "Guest Room". No choice though. I'm more worried right now about a massive case of seeds in my grow. I found one big hunk of White Russian chock full of seeds and now some Chronic I'm just jarring up, well it didn't take me long to find beans in that too. grrrr. I think my humidity is stressing my plants out (or I'm just flowering too long). The worst thing is quite a bit of that went out in the world; I'm going to be getting some phone calls lol. Refunds all round and a monster hash run.
you better tell'em to plant them bi#@h's,and keep it pushing......j/k....for real tho.


Well-Known Member
Sheesh, is it Vapes and Wars in the 600, or is it simply VAPE WARS, lol. Anygaroo, divane get me going about war and stuff, a bit too stoned and we don't want the 6 getting all hot and bothered over the wrong thing, lol.

I don't have problems with my vape since I don't have one. My problems mainly lie with me smashing bits of my bong.

Hope you are all well.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I have a pic of a plant that topped itself, has that ever happened to anyone? it weird, this a cellphone pic so excuse the quality.
its weird it kinda formed like a flower on the meristem, and then the side branches grew out from the side. i had a plant top itself before but it didnt look like this, i wonder if its genetic or just enviromental or situational.



Well-Known Member
I have had a number of plants grow 2 main colas straight from seed with no messing. Generally they are always a bit funny looking to start with.


Well-Known Member
well do not 004.jpgim looking for new glass now,as i type this.
my fingers,and lips are cut to


Well-Known Member
I would refund returned weight, sure. I'd want it back. As for the beans, they are already soaking in a paper towel. I just don't want beans in my cheese lol. Anyway, I haven't heard anything back yet, so maybe it was isolated???? I dunno:

Here's the cheese at 18 days of 12/12

ouch, would do give refunds for the whole amount?


Well-Known Member
Duct tape has its uses, but not in your mouth lol.
I dropped my pipe from 7 ft to the floor and it didnt break. I got really lucky. I use duck tape almost daily though.
oh,ive left a few stash hairs on the duct tape befor,ill tell you what,it stops all the hoovers from trying to smoke my buds,when they see my hairy pipe:lol:lol


Well-Known Member
New to the 600, that's the problem. I have a small box that i use a 250 hps in and it works great, but I made a bigger box and put a 600 hps in. Well I had about 20 days to go in the 250 so I put them in the 600 for the last 20 figured id get bigger nuggs. Now im 7 days past my normal grow time and I have alot of trichs but only cloudy at best, no amber. I'd like about 40% amber. The only difference is the light and the 600 is air conditioned. I'm worried they " peaked " and all they wont get anymore potent. I've smoked some and it's nowhere near it's potential. I dont know if I should just harvest know cut my losses and get the next ladies ready or hang tight and wait and see if they resin up?
Wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. Thanks for any and all reply's