You have to be kidding me? ... really? wtf? I dont see large scale commercial operations having to do this! Its obvious that some people think small time growers are a treat to their profits

This has to be a bad joke.... fking laws here get worse and worse everyday... Cali or texas here I come.
The Denver Post
DENVER -- The state Board of Health on Wednesday adopted major new rules for Colorados small-scale medical-marijuana providers, over the objections of cannabis advocates who said the rules are too harsh.
The rules will require that caregivers medical-marijuana providers serving five or fewer patients who cannot grow for themselves do more than just give cannabis to patients.
They must do something extra, such as help patients with shopping, cooking or getting to doctors appointments.
Medical-marijuana advocates fear the added responsibilities will severely trim the number of caregivers, which state officials said today stands at 16,000. The advocates say caregivers provide a link to medical marijuana for patients who are poor or who live in areas where there is no convenient access to dispensaries.
But Health Board members said they do not think the regulations present a doomsday scenario.
Theres a lot of things caregivers are already doing that would meet this definition, Board President Laura Davis said at Wednesdays hearing.
The rules will not affect dispensaries, which serve large numbers of patients and are regulated by separate laws.
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