Good day sirs. Just got done hanging a holder for my shades cuz this 600 is brite as shit!

Snapped this pic too I can't believe how much brighter the six is as compared to the 400 I feel kinda embarrased for the 400 now.
Saying for twenty six bux more peeps spring for the damn 600.
Sorry about the quality of the pic this phone takes some dam good pictures I just have to figure out how to get the lines out but u can kinda see the lame 400 in the back its not even close lol. Also this 600 is reaching all the way to the bottom third of the plants as well.
And whaddup JIG seen ur post bro its good to see u doing ur thing man and still rockkin the DWC.
I'm getting ready to go get the parts to go recirculating today or hopefully tomorrow.
Good things man.