when should i start checking them?????? shouldnt all the hairs at least be orange
Watch your trichs, not the hair.

Some plants will slow down pistil production as ripeness nears, other strains keep pushing out new white pistils for up to a month longer even though the trichomes have gone from milky to mostly or all amber.
By watching the trichomes instead of the pistils, you will know about what kind of high you'll get.
Cloudy/milky will be a head high and allow you to do things while buzzing.
Amber trichomes will give you more of a body high and might induce lethargy and even sleepiness.
Just depends on which kind of high you are looking for, and what strains you are growing so you'll have an idea of the normal length of flowering so you can start watching the trichomes to harvest when desired.
You can also harvest some with milky trichomes, and some later with amber, so you can do a direct A/B comparison between the two.
That would also allow you to mix bud harvested with milky trichomes with bud harvested with amber trichomes to get a mix of mind & body high.