Have the raw audio & video of 2112 done.
There are parts where the audio encountered a little bit of clipping, even though I filtered out most of the the bass part from the WAV file, I've got some 60-cycle hum kicking in that'll need to be figured out soon.
Plus, everything got shifted around when I re-arranged the old computer desk recently, so the settings are all off, and I have power wires wrapped around data wires, and etc, etc

Just goofing around anyways, having fun in a few spots I should have kept quiet in, but I go straight after that.
I just hate the clipping.
Will upload it anyways, and work on getting rid of the noise.
Once it's clean (I might go with the S/PDIF out from the GT-10B into the M-audio sound card) , and recorded as a separate track (instead of over top of the original song, like I did in thie coming vid), I'll re-record it and post a final version, played clean, no extra embellishments, faithful to the original (minus my less-than-Geddy-like playing).
So, anyways, like x-mas, its a coming!
**5:49am Pacific Standard Time, USA
now uploading the video to youtube.
It says 6 minutes until upload is complete, then I figure about 8-to-10 minutes for it to be processed before it's viewable.
Will provide a link to it as soon as it's ready.
Turned out not -so crappy, but please forgive a few indulgent spots where I was bored and played when there was no bass part.
The final version will be true to the CD as I can get it.
This was a test run.