Too late now. Ah well. Gift certificates are much more exciting anyways, lol. Anyways, it did me a favor deleting that, I just looked like a prick. And my pics are still in my journal.
Oh, lol... forgot to share the funniest thing from today. So, my wife is what you might call 'healthy'... or even 'stout'. Whatever, she has a big ole ass... like nobodies business. One of my favorite things. Round sothern california nobody flocks to my Mrs like the mexican men. No shit she was in an AutoZone where we lived by and every guy in there was fighting the next to help her out. She was getting something for me as we only had one car at the time and she was out for work. She told this to all the men standing around and they started talking about how she needed a real man that wouldn't send her out doing such things. They were saying how white guys don't know how to treat women. They don't have any respect. And after all... all those white guys liked skinny chicks. Dude said that he would treat her good becuase "Bones are for the dogs, Meat is for the man" ,lol.
So we always joke how the mexican men love the booty. ANd man do they check her out.
Well apparently the Irish like the booty too, lol. She was getting hit on by an irish dude while waiting for me to run back to the house to get something I forgot. It's always fun to walk up and see one or more guys flirting with my lady, hahaha.